2001 Battalion Time Line
~ 720th Military Police Battalion Reunion Association History Project ~
This Page Last Updated   22 December 2011
89th Bde.
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At the start of the year the Battalion was headquartered subordinate to the 89th MP Brigade, III Corps at Fort Hood, TX.
Date unknown - Fort Hood - Operation Phantom Destroyer 2001 Operation Phantom Destroyer was a III Corps War Fighter exercise conducted at Fort Hood. During the exercise the 1st platoon of the 410th MP Company provided fixed site security for the III Corps Tactical Operations Center (TOC), while 2nd platoon provided fixed site security for the III Corps TAC. The company commander and the operations section ran the Battle Simulation Center for the 720th Military Police Battalion.
III Corps
Date unknown - Fort Hood, - Operation Phantom Castle Operation PHANTOM CASTLE 2001, was a rehearsal for the security of Fort Hood in the event of a national emergency. This operation was performed in order to validate the overall security plan for Fort Hood. Eight major Installation Access Control Points (ACP) and nine Mission Essential or Vulnerable Area’s (MEVA) on Fort Hood were secured by the 2nd and 3rd platoons of the 410th MP Company.
WANTED: If you have any information, photographs or personal stories relating to Operations Phantom Destroyer or Phanton Castle, please contact the History Project Manager via the Email Link at the top of the page.
The National Defense Service Medal was reinstated by The Deputy Secretary of Defense, don 26 April 2002, from 11 September 2001 to a termination date to be determined in the future. Click on ribbon at the top of page.
11 September, Tuesday

0846 Hours American Airlines Flight-11 crashed into the north tower of the World Trade Center complex in New York City at 8:46AM, 92 crew and passengers died.


0902 Hours United Airlines Flight-175 crashed into the south tower of the World Trade Center at 9:02 AM, 65 crew and passengers died.


1000 hours (approximately) American Airlines Flight-77 crashed into the Pentagon, in Washington, DC, 65 crew and passengers died.


1010 Hours United Airlines Flight-93 crashed into a field in Stony Creek Township, Somerset County, Pennsylvania, about 80 miles southeast of Pittsburgh, 45 crew and passengers died.

        While the towers were burining many of the victims who wre trapped by the raging fires jumped to their death.

        The south tower of the World Trade Center eventually collapsed, and within a half-hour, the northern tower also collapsed, trapping and killing thousands of workers and first responders.

New York City skyline on the afternoon of 11 September 2001.

1730 Hours A third tower in the World Trade Center complex, Building #7, also collapsed.

September 12, Wednesday (evening) Another building within the World Trade Center Complex collapsed.

        Due to the severity of the crash damage and resulting fires it is believed that many of the bodies were destroyed.

< Click on antenna incon. 11 September 2001 President George W. Bush addressed the nation on the events of the attacks.
THREATCON Delta - (Force Protection) The 720th MP Battalion received orders from III Corps via the 89th MP Brigade to support security efforts by manning restricted gates and transporting barrier supplies to all access points on post. All available soldiers reported to their designated areas and began restricting access onto the Fort Hood, Texas installation. Additional responsibilities of conducting maneuver and mobility support operations and area security in support of units departing for rotations to the National Training Center, overseas deployments, and other real-world missions were also added in later weeks.
WANTED: If you have any information, photographs or personal stories relating to Threatcon Delta, please contact the History Project Manager via the Email Link at the top of the page.

       After the attacks United States people and its military entered into a war against global terrorism. President George W. Bush began the U.S. response in the War on Global Terrorism with the stroke of his pen to seize terrorists' financial assets and disrupt their fundraising network. Unlike most previous conflicts, this war was going to be fought on both domestic and foreign soil. American troops at home and around the world were put into action in the days following the attacks.

       By October of 2003 the death toll for all casualties (not including the 10 terrorist hijackers) was at 2,752. Pinning down an accurate death toll is a problem, primarily because human remains have been recovered for only half of the people believed to have been killed when the hijacked airliners crashed into the 110-story twin towers and the buildings subsequently collapsed.

7 October  Operation Enduring Freedom commenced in Afghanistan.

8 Octobe - Egypt - Operation BRIGHT STAR 2001 The 410th MP Company was assigned in support of Operation BRIGHT STAR (Egypt), 8 October through 1 November 2001, a joint/combined exercise involving tactical air, ground, naval and special operations forces field training. Conducted every two years, Bright Star is designed to enhance military cooperation among U.S. and coalition partners, by strengthening joint commitment to regional stability and mutual interests. Participants include forces from: Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Jordan, Kuwait, the Netherlands, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, and the United States.
   The 410th MP Company, 1st platoon provided force protection at the Mobarik Military Camp. 2nd Platoon performed customs at the Agami Base Camp (port city west of Alexandria). 4th Platoon performed port security and customs at the Agami Base Camp, while 3rd platoon was tasked with providing Personal Service Detail (PSD) for all General Officers during the operation.
WANTED: If you have any information on other Battalion units that deployed to Egypt during Bright Star, or any photographs or personal stories, please contact the History Project Manager via the Email Link at the top of the page.
1 November - Fort Hood - Texas The 410th MP Company redeployed back to Fort Hood, Texas after Operation BRIGHT STAR came to an end.
Photographs ~  Operation Enduring Freedom
Photographs ~ Fort Hood, Texas
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