~ 720th Military Police Battalion Vietnam History Project ~ |
July 1967 ~ Battalion Timeline |
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1 July |
LTC Kenneth Weinstein passed command of the Battalion to LTC Francis E. “Frank” Payne. The newly formed 720th MP Rouges Band played at the change of command dinner.
HQ, 1st Brigade, 9th Infantry Division began internal defense and deployment operations southeast of Long Binh Post at Camp Martin Cox (name later changed to Bearcat) against enemy forces operating in and around Long Than and Duc Tu Districts in Bien Hoa Province, III Corps Tactical Zone under Operation RILEY. During the period of consolidation 9,600,000 square feet of jungle was clear from around the base and 10,000 feet of roads, and 360,00 square feet of vertical [building] construction were completed in anticipation of the arrival of the Royal Thailand Volunteer Regiment that would assume security operations bordering the area south of Long Binh Post. They also initiated air-drops of 1,540,000 leaflets, and hand disseminated 15,347 miscellaneous pamphlets and magazines by the 246th PSYOP Company at Long Binh Post. |
Editors Notes: The PSYOP’s operations conducted in the area, and arrival of the Thai force would become an integral part of Operation CORRAL and STABILIZE, the overall tactical mission of the soon to be assigned (September) 22 square mile 720th MP Battalion Tactical Area Of Responsibility located along the southern border of Long Binh Post . |
8 July |
Operation PADDINGTON |
A joint search and destroy operation conducted from 10 July through 27 July by elements of the 1st Brigade, 9th Infantry Division, 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment, 1st Royal Australian Task Force, and ARVN (Army of The Republic of Vietnam), and Vietnamese Marine units near Long Giao and Nui Dat against the 274th Main Force VC Regiment, 5th Main Force VC Division. |
From 8 to 16 July the Battalion became the first U.S. Military Police unit in Vietnam to utilize the V100 Commando Armored Car in field trials during Operation PADDINGTON. Two V100 Armored Commando Cars, one armored jeep and one sandbagged gun jeep reported to the base camp of the 1st Australian Task Force (1-ATF). The three teams of four MPs each were supervised by SGT James L. Talbert of A Company, SGT William G. Albright of C Company, and SGT Donald R. Dellecese of the 615th MP Company, all commanded by 1LT Gordon L. Locke of A Company. Their mission was to provide resupply convoy escorts to the forward base camp at Xuyen Moc in direct combat support of the 9th Infantry Division and the Royal Australian Forces. In accomplishing their assigned mission, the MPs found their tasks to be a bit more difficult than initially anticipated. The major problem was the rains which turned the roads into almost impassible quagmires, especially the last eleven miles of the route which was little more that a dirt path between rice paddies. All along this stretch of road, the 15th and 69th Engineers, 1st Log Command, and the Australian Engineers, made valiant efforts to put the road in serviceable condition, at times resorting to portable bridges to negotiate sections of the road washed away by rain. Despite all these efforts, many drivers found themselves operating through axle deep mud.
During their stay in the field the V100 crews had a wide variety of escorts, from small eight vehicle convoys to 200 vehicle convoys of five ton tractor-trailers loaded with bulldozers, earth movers and other engineering equipment. The majority of the cargo carried by these convoys consisted of mail, food, ammunition, medical supplies, and other essential tactical equipment coordinated and delivered by the 1st Logistics Command. To take full advantage of the V100 Commando cars capabilities, its position in the convoy varied as to needs. At times it was lead vehicle while at others it trailed the convoy, acting both as rear security and wrecker retriever using its muscle to extricate vehicles which had become immobile in the mud. The Commando was found capable of pulling up to and even beyond its 7&1/2-ton weight with its winch. At one point a bogged down bulldozer was recovered by a Commando. 1LT Locke flew over the convoys in a Royal Australian Forces helicopter giving spot reconnaissance by radio, and noting any problems in the convoy such as a stalled vehicle. Because of his excellent vantage point, 1LT Locke also provided an additional means of securing the convoy. |
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10 July |
0001 hours, the Daily Staff Journal/Duty Officers Log was opened by PFC Rysdon. Cu Chi-Tay Ninh Convoy 0400 hours, SGT Johnson, A Company, NCOIC of the Cu Chi-Tay Ninh Convoy notified this office they departed with 9 gun jeeps and 27 MP's. POW Hospital Guards & Checkpoints 0530 hours, SGT, Staples, SDNCO, 89th MP Group was furnished with the POW, Guard, and Vehicle Check Point reports, 53 POW's, 30 Guards, Checkpoint #1- checked 10 vehicles, CP#2- checked 6 vehicles, CP#3- checked 57 vehicles. After Action Report dated 9 July submitted to 89th MP Group. 0700 hours, SFC Alverson the 615th MP Company SDNCO was relieved by SFC Broome, Battalion S3. Operation ADAMS HUTS 0730 hours, MSG Dupree, Battalion S3, furnished the weekly sandbagged building report to MSG Nunn, S3 of 89th MP Group. A total of 57 buildings, 26 partly completed and 31 completed. Operation SHOTGUN 0745 hours, SP/4 Dennis W. Floyd of A Company, EMIC [enlisted man in charge] of the SHOTGUN escorts team notified this office that the escorts between the 90th and Bien Hoa Air Base and return had been completed at 0700 hours without incident. Utilized were 3 gun jeeps and 9 MP's. POW Escort Team 0830 hours, SSG Gilchrest, II Field Forces Provost Marshals Office, notified this office that 7 POW's, Tran Van Nam, Tran Van Xuot, Bui Van Dinh, Nguyen Van Thuong, Nguyen Van Binh, Nguyen Van Phan, and Nguyen Van Tu were ready to be picked up from the 25th Infantry Division enclosure at Cu Chi on 12 July for delivery to the III Corps enclosure. CPT Leon C. Matassarin, Battalion and MSG Dupree, Battalion S3, SSG Franklin D. Brown, 615th MP Company S3 notified. |
Operation SHOTGUN 0845 hours, SP/4 Joseph R. Routhier the A Company, EMIC, Battalion Operation SHOTGUN Escort Team, notified this office that the escorts between the 90th and Camp Alpha [ R&R Transient Billet] at Tan Son Nhut Air Base and return had been completed at 0700 hours without incident. Utilized were 3 gun jeeps and 9 MP's. Operation RIFLE 0905 hours, SP/4 Hedge, 561st Ambulance Company requested an escort for medical evacuation patients from the 24th Evacuation Hospital to Tan Son Nhut Air Base (Operation RIFLE) and return, at 1330 hours. SP/4 Kenneth P. Laux, C Company Clerk notified. Cu Chi-Tay Ninh Convoy 1000 hours, MAJ Adams, Deputy Provost Marshal, 25th Infantry Division, Cu Chi, advised this office that there would be a meeting at the Provost Marshals Office, 25th Infantry Division at 1000 hours on 11 July in reference to the Tay Ninh Convoy stopping at Cu Chi and that a representative from the 720th should attend. CPT Leon C. Matassarin, Battalion S3, CPT Martin L. Mesick of A Company, and LTC Francis E. "Frank" Payne, Battalion Commander were notified. CPT Mesick was designated to attend. Bien Hoa Detachment 1030 hours, LTC Daugherty, Provost Marshal 179th MP Detachment, informed MAJ Carl C. Keese, Battalion XO, and CPT Leon C. Matassarin, Battalion S3, that he had eliminated one motor patrol, Patrol #6, in Bien Hoa from 2330 hours to 0800 hours daily. LT Bosse and SSG Brown, S3 615th MP Company notified. |
1200 hours, the Battalion Alert System was tested by MSG Dupree of HQ Detachment. Loud and clear. Tan An Convoy 1220 hours, SGT Maurice Irish, A Company, NCOIC of the Tan An Convoy escort, notified this office by radio that a 5-ton tank truck from the 538th Transportation Company broke down 3 miles north of Tan An and that an axle and drum were needed for repairs. PFC Richards, Clerk, 538th Transportation Company notified. Operation PISTOL 1300 hours, SP/4 James R. Chupurdy of B Company, EMIC Operation PISTOL notified this office that the escort from United States Army Vietnam (USARV) Saigon Headquarters, to USARV, Long Binh Post, had been completed at 1200 hours without incident. Utilized were 2 gun jeeps and 6 MP's. POW Hospital Guards 1530 hours, SGT Ernest D. Phillips, C Company, relieved SP/4 Anderson as NCOIC of Hospital Guards at 24th Evacuation Hospital and 50th Medical Company. |
POW Escort Team 1630 hours, SGT Keith D. Allen, 615th MP Company, NCOIC POW Escort, notified this office by radio that he was at the III Corps POW enclosure and that the personnel would not accept one of the POW's (female) because she was breast feeding a 5 month old baby. SGT Allen notified to standby for an answer. SFC James C. Parrish, B Company, reported for duty as SDNCO, was briefed by MSG Dupree and posted. POW Escort Team 1645 hours, SSG Gilchrest, IIFF PMO, notified this office that the aircraft for POW movement on 11 July would arrive at the 9th Infantry Division, Bearcat base at 0700 hours, and that only 5 MP guards could go with the aircraft. Expected time of arrival in Can Tho is 0815 hours, aircraft mission #21. CPT Leon C. Matassarin, Battalion S3, CPT Alfred A. Alexander and SSG Brown, 615th MP Company, notified. SGT Jesse R. Towell, B Company S3, notified to provide one V100 Commando Car with driver and gunner for transport of guards to Bearcat. |
POW Hospital Guards 1700 hours, SGT Willard, Admissions and Discharges Office, 24th Evacuation Hospital, notified this office that a Viet Cong suspect, name unknown, registration number #3893, had expired at 1615 hours. The suspect was pronounced by CPT Donald W. Patrick, MD, SN# 05423639. Cause of death, fragmentation wound to brain. Suspect captured in a stream at 1300 hours 10 July by B Company, 2nd Battalion, 27th Infantry, 25th Infantry Division. POW Escort Team 1800 hours, (reference log entree 1630 hours) SGT Keith D. Allen, 615th MP Company, notified this office that 18 POW's had been delivered to the III Corps enclosure, and the female POW Vo Thi Phon with the 5 month old baby was placed into Ward #7 at the 24th Evacuation Hospital until 11 July when she will be returned to the 25th Infantry Division POW enclosure. |
1900 hours, CPT Bert D. Edmonson, C Company commanding officer, notified this office that he inspected Checkpoints #1, 2, and 3 at approximately 1700 hours and all were secure with no discrepancies. Cu Chi-Tay Ninh Convoy 1910 hours, SGT Johnson, A Company, NCOIC of the Cu Chi-Tay Ninh Convoy escort, notified this office that the escort had been completed at 1800 hours. SGT Johnson stated that their was one minor accident involving one of the vehicles, no injuries and only minor damage. POW Hospital Guards 1915 hours, SP/4 Caudell, Admissions and Discharges, 24th Evacuation Hospital, notified this office that one Viet Cong prisoner had arrived by Dust Off [medical evacuation helicopter], and that an MP guard was needed. SGT Ernest D. Phillips, C Company, NCOIC Hospital Guards notified. POW Hospital Guards 1950 hours, SGT Ernest D. Phillips, C Company, NCOIC Hospital Guards, notified this office that the POWs name was Tran Van Thinh, captured by 3rd of the 39th Infantry, 9th Infantry Division, with gunshot wound in the back, admitted to Ward #7, 24th Evacuation Hospital. POW count changed to 54. |
Operation RIFLE 1955 hours, SP/4 Marion J. Bower, C Company, EMIC, Operation RIFLE, notified this office that the medical evacuation escort from the 24th Evacuation Hospital to Tan Son Nhut Air Base and return had been completed at 1630 hours without incident. One gun jeep and 3 MP's were utilized. Tan An Convoy 2030 hours, SGT Maurice Irish, A Company, NCOIC of the Tan An convoy escort notified this office that the escort was completed at 1630 hours without incident. One gun jeep and 3 MP's were utilized. POW Hospital Guards 2330 hours, SGT Ernest D. Phillips, C Company, NCOIC of the Hospital Guard Detail at the 24th Evacuation Hospital and 50th Medical Company was relieved by SP/4 Lawrence C. Hinton, C Company. 2400 hours, Daily Log Closed. |
11 July |
Operation RIFLE 0100 hours, PFC Bonud, 90th Replacement Battalion, requested an escort from the 90th to Bien Hoa Air Base at 0210 hours this date. PFC Bonud instructed by SFC James C. Parrish B Company, SDNCO, to contact Bien Hoa Provost Marshals Office [179th MP Detachment, 95th MP Battalion], for the escort. |
Quan Loi Detachment 0145 hours, SGT Jewell Fletcher Dodge age 37 from Mammoth Spring, Arkansas, was assigned to the C Company, 720th MP Battalion Detachment at the 1st Infantry Division, Quan Loi base. He died from wounds received during an enemy mortar attack on the base. During an intense Viet Cong small arms and mortar attack SGT Dodge scrambled from his tent to a bunker and gave his M16 rifle to a young soldier who in the confusion arrived at the bunker unarmed. SGT Dodge left the safety of the bunker to return to his tent to obtain another rifle for himself. He was struck and severely wounded by fragments from an exploding mortar round and lay exposed in the open as the attack continued. SP/4 Tommy King, also of C Company, went to the aid of his squad leader. After attempting to render first aid SP/4 King went to obtain further assistance. His attempt failed so he again exposed himself to the hostile fire by returning and assisting SGT Doge until medical aid finally arrived. He then assisted in the evacuation to a medical aid station. SGT Dodge later died from his wounds. In November SP/4 King was awarded a Bronze Star Medal for Valor for his actions in attempting to save the life of SGT Dodge. |
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Cu Chi-Tay Ninh Convoy 0400 hours, SGT Alberto M. Ochoa, A Company, NCOIC Cu Chi-Tay Ninh Convoy escort, departed with 9 gun jeeps and 27 MP's. POW Hospital Guards & Checkpoints 0530 hours, the POW Hospital Guard, and Vehicle Checkpoint count was furnished to CPL Hefflinger, SDNCO, 89th MP Group. 54 POW's, 30 Guards, Checkpoint #1- checked 11 vehicles, CP#2- checked 18 vehicles, CP#3- checked 55 vehicles. POW Hospital Guards 0635 hours, SP/4 Lawrence C. Hinton, C Company, EMIC Hospital Guard Detail, notified this office that at approximately 0530 hours POW Nguyen Van Than, bed #71, Ward #5, 50th Medical Clearing Company, had shoved PFC Allen the MP guard against a wall of the ward, and PFC Allen struck POW Thanh on the left cheek with his fist. |
SP/5 Altringer the medic, SP/4 Lucey and PFC William J. Bieber of C Company guards witnessed the incident. SP/4 Hinton stated that there was not any visible marks on POW Thanhs face at his (Hintons) arrival at Ward #5 shortly after the incident. CPT Leon C. Matassarin the Battalion S3, and LTC Francis E. “Frank” Payne, Battalion Commander were notified. CPT Bert D. Edmundson the commanding officer of C Company is investigating the incident. 0700 hours, SFC James C. Parrish, B Company, SDNCO was relieved by MSG Dupree, Battalion S3. |
Bearcat Base Camp Five MPs from the 615th MP Company, (720th MP Battalion) were assigned to transport via aircraft, 53 enemy POW's from the Bearcat detention facility to the POW Camp at Can Tho in the Mekong Delta in IV Corps Tactical Zone. |
The POW's were captured during Operation PADDINGTON. The five MP's, SSG Marion Lord, SGT Keith Allen, SP/4's Benny Edmondson, David Bryant, and PFC Scott Wilson, were transported from their company compound on Long Binh Post by V100 to the Bearcat base. Their flight in a C-7A Caribou of the Royal Thai Air Force (aircraft mission #21) was scheduled to depart Bearcat at 0700 hours, and arrive in Can Tho at 0815 hours. |
Miscellaneous Photograph Index |
SP/4 Bryant and PFC Wilson arrive at Bearcat via their company V100 for the POW transport mission. |
615th MP Company V100 at Beracat. | |
Enemy POWs at Bearcat awaiting transport. |
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Operation RIFLE 0720 hours, SP/4 Hedge, 591st Ambulance Company, requested an escort for medical evacuation patients from the 93rd Evacuation Hospital to Bien Hoa Air Base at 0900 hours, and from the 24th Evacuation Hospital to Tan Son Nhut Air Base at 1330 hours. SP/4 Kenneth P. Laux, C Company, notified. Operation SHOTGUN 0745 hours, SP/4 Larry G. Partin, A Company EMIC Operation SHOTGUN escort detail, notified this office that escorts between the 90th Replacement Battalion and Tan Son Nhut Air Base and return, and between the 90th and Bien Hoa Air Base and return, between 0700 hours 10 July, and 0700 hours 11 July had been completed without incident. 1000 hours, Battalion commander LTC Payne notified CPT Leon C. Matassarin the Battalion S3 Officer that there would be a briefing at 0830 hours 12 July at the USARV Stockade [Long Binh Jail], on the operation and control of the Battalion Reaction Force in support to the USARV Stockade. LTC Payne would like for all lieutenants and senior NCO's to attend if at all possible. 1SG Julius E. Givens, A Company, 1SG Walter L. Rutledge, B Company, LT Eugene S. Edey, C Company, CPT Alfred A. Alexander, 615th MP Company were notified. |
1200 hours, SFC Clarence L. Broome of HQ Detachment tested the Battalion alert horn, loud and clear. POW Hospital Guards 1430 hours, SGT Roland A. Bellerose, C Company NCOIC Hospital Guard Detail, notified this office that a POW, name unknown, was admitted to the 24th Evacuation Hospital. POW count changed to 55. POW Hospital Guards 1550 hours, SGT Bellerose, C Company NCOIC Hospital Guard Detail was relieved by SP/4 Marion J. Bowers, C Company. POW Hospital Guards 1615 hours, SP/4 Bowers, EMIC Hospital Guard Detail, notified this office that POW Hoang Van Tinh was admitted to the 24th Evacuation Hospital from the 3rd Field Hospital Saigon. POW was captured 9 July by 3rd Battalion, 22nd Infantry, 3rd Brigade, 4th Infantry Division. POW count changed to 56. 1630 hours, SSG Kenneth McClain of B Company, relieved MSG Dupree as Battalion Staff Duty NCO. |
POW Escort Team 1700 hours, PFC Wilson, 615th MP Company, notified this office that he had picked up POWs Nguyen Van Ut, Vo Van Hien, and Nguyen Van Nam from the 50th Medical Company and delivered them to the III Corps enclosure. He also picked up POW Vo Thi Phan (female) and her child, Nguyen Thi Phe from the 24th Evacuation Hospital and returned them to the 25th Infantry Division at Cu Chi. Closing [assignment completed] time was 1630 hours. Utilized Highway 1 & 1A, and 1 gun jeep and 3 MP's. POW count changed to 53. POW Hospital Guards 1835 hours, SP/4 Brewer, C Company EMIC Hospital Guard detail, notified this office that POW, Nguyen Van Hiep, admitted to 24th Evacuation Hospital at 1300 hours with gun shot wound to the abdomen expired at 1830 hours this date. POW was pronounced by CPT Charles L. Bearderff, MD SN# 05239275, 24th Evacuation Hospital. Capturing unit unknown. POW count changed to 52. |
POW Hospital Guards 1840 hours, SP/4 Brewer, C Company EMIC Hospital Guard detail, notified this office of the following incident at the 50th Medical Company POW enclosure. At approximately 1825 hours the POW in Ward #5, Bed #82, Nguyen Van Qui was causing a ruckus across the fence at other patients according to guard PFC Anthony L. Aceto of C Company, who told him to quit making so much noise. POW Qui then verbally attacked PFC Aceto and finally physically attacked the MP with a rolled up magazine. MP PFC Ronald F. Kidder was also struck when he came and tried to talk the POW into bed. A medic, SGT Slay, finally persuaded the POW to get into bed. Tan An Convoy 1850 hours, SGT Norman J. E. Eck of A Company, NCOIC of the Tan An Convoy escort notified this office that the escort to Tan An and return had been completed at 1340 hours without incident. Cu Chi-Tay Ninh Convoy 1900 hours, SGT Alberto M. Ochoa, A Company NCOIC Cu Chi-Tay Ninh Convoy escort, notified this office that he had completed the escort and return and rendered the following report. (1) At 1315 hours an accident occurred at Checkpoint #179, Tay Ninh, involving a military 2&1/- ton truck with trailer and a bridge that was established by Phil/Cav. When the vehicle went across the bridge the trailer swerved to the left which broke the trailers axle. The vehicle was operated by PFC Denne M. Albright, US52657046, Battery B, 5th AN (AW) (SP) 2nd Artillery. The convoy was delayed 1 hour and 30 minutes. (2) At approximately 1740 hours the convoy had to stop on a road across from Tan Son Nhut Air Base. The convoy was approached by an Infantry MAJ, name unknown, who stated that due to the convoy he had to stop for approximately 20 minutes. The MAJ stated that MP's did not have any jurisdiction in controlling the traffic in Saigon, that the Vietnamese Police did. The MAJ then got the name and unit of SGT Ochoa. "WACO" [call sign 716th MP Battalion] unit did not arrive to assist SGT Ochoa. CPT Leon C. Matassarin, Battalion S3 discussed the problem with, Deputy Provost Marshal, HQ Area Command, and received permission for the convoy to continue when WACO failed to show. |
2340 hours, SGT Staples, SDNCO 89th MP Group notified this office that CPT Chinn, 64th Quartermasters called his office and requested additional Highway Patrols to escort fire fighting equipment to Saigon. 2400 hours, SGT Staples 89th MP Group notified this office that CPT Flannigan, S3 89th MP Group stated that Bien Hoa Provost Marshals Office [179th MP Detachment, 95th MP Battalion], would take the commitment for the fire equipment escort request called in at 2340 hours this date. Daily Log Closed. |
12 July |
Cu Chi-Tay Ninh Convoy 0400 hours, SGT Norman J. E. Eck, A Company NCOIC Cu Chi-Tay Ninh Convoy, departed with 9 gun jeeps and 27 MP's. POW Hospital Guards & Checkpoints 0530 hours, furnished the POW Guard and Vehicle Checkpoint report to SGT Staples, 89th MP Group. Totals of 52 POW's, 30 MP Guards, Checkpoint [CP] #1 - checked 5 vehicles, CP#2 - checked 11 vehicles, CP#3 - checked 88 vehicles. 0700 hours, SSG Kenneth McClain of B Company, the SDNCO was relieved by SFC Bloome of HQ Detachment. Operation SHOTGUN 0715 hours, SP/4 Donald R. Gibson, A Company EMIC Operation SHOTGUN escort team, notified this office that the escorts between the 90th Replacement Battalion and Bien Hoa Air Base and return had been completed at 0700 hours without incident. Three gun jeeps and 9 MP's were utilized. Operation SHOTGUN 0730 hours, SP/4 Robert G. Galaska, A Company EMIC Operation SHOTGUN escort team, notified this office that the escorts between the 90th Replacement Battalion and Camp Alpha, Tan Son Nhut Air Base and return had been completed at 0700 hours without incident. Three gun jeeps and 9 MP's were utilized. Operation RIFLE 0845 hours, SP/4 Hedge, 561st Ambulance Company, requested a Rifle escort for medical evacuation patients from the 24th Evacuation Hospital to Tan Son Nhut Air Base and return at 1330 hours. PFC Stanley Van Kleeck, C Company, notified. POW Escort Team 0920 hours, SSG Gilchrest, IIFF PMO notified this office to pick up 3 POW's, Le Van Phu, from 1st Infantry Division at Di An, and Bui Van Si and Vo Van Tan from 199th Light Infantry Brigade at Nha Be on 13 July and deliver them to the III Corps enclosure. CPT Leon C. Matassarin, Battalion S3 and SSG Franklin D. Brown, S3 NCO 615th MP Company notified. |
Operation MOOSE 0930 hours, MSG Nunn, S3 89th MP Group, advised this office to provide one 2&1/- ton truck and three 3/4-ton trucks with two men for each truck, to move the United States Army Vietnam [USARV] Provost Marshals Office from Saigon to Long Binh Post on 14 and 15 July. The detail with vehicles are to report to LTC Ford at USARV PMO at 0800 hours each day. CPT Leon C. Matassarin, Battalion S3 and 1LT Thomas Feuerborne Battalion Motor Officer notified. 1200 hours, SFC Clarence L. Broome of HQ Detachment tested the Battalion alert horn, loud and clear. Tan An Convoy 1330 hours, SGT Johnson, A Company NCOIC Tan An Convoy escort notified this office that the escort had been completed at 1330 hours without incident. Three gun jeeps and 9 MP's were utilized. 1515 hours, MAJ Jones, 89th MP Group Chaplain advised this office that the Memorial Services for SGT Jewell F. Dodge (KIA 11 July) would be held at 0830 hours 13 July in the 720th MP Battalion Chapel. All training for 13 July canceled, all units notified. |
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1630 hours, SSFC Charles C. Bigoness, A Company, reported for duty as SDNCO, was briefed by MSG Dupree, S3 NCO, and posted. Cu Chi-Tay Ninh Convoy 1830 hours, SGT Norman J. E. Eck, A Company NCOIC Cu Chi-Tay Ninh Convoy escort, notified this office that the escort had been completed. There was one minor traffic accident. Accident report submitted to 25th Infantry Division Provost Marshals Office. Operation RIFLE 1850 hours, SP/4 Becker, 561st Ambulance Company, requested an Operation RIFLE escort for medical evacuation patients from the 93rd Evacuation Hospital to Tan Son Nhut Air Base at 0615 hours 13 July. SGT Kryn B. Van Elswyk, S3 NCO C Company was notified. |
Operation RIFLE 1855 hours, SP/4 Smith C Company EMIC Operation RIFLE escort, notified this office that the escort from 24th Evacuation Hospital to Tan Son Nhut Air Base and return was completed at 1615 hours without incident. One gun jeep and 3 MP's were utilized. POW Escort Team 1900 hours, SGT Allen, 615th MP Company notified this office that he picked up 7 POW's, Nguyen Van Tu, Nguyen Van Phan, Tran Van Xuot, Nguyen Van Thuong, Nguyen Van Binh, Bui Van Dinh, and Tran Van Nam from the 25th Infantry Division at Cu Chi and delivered them to the III Corps enclosure at 1535 hours without incident. One 2&1/2-ton truck, 2 gun jeeps, and 9 MP's were utilized. POW Hospital Guards 2330 hours, SP/4 Anderson C Company, relieved SP/4 Thompson of C Company, as EMIC of Hospital Guards at the 24th Evacuation Hospital and 50th Medical Company. 2400 hours, Daily Log Closed. |
13 July |
Cu Chi-Tay Ninh Convoy 0400 hours, SGT Alberto M. Ochoa, A Company NCOIC Cu Chi-Tay Ninh Convoy escort, notified this office the convoy escort departed with 9 gun jeeps and 27 MP's. POW Hospital Guards & Checkpoints 0530 hours, the report was furnished to SFC Roberts, SDNCO 89th MP Group. Totals of 52 POW's, 30 MP Guards, Checkpoint [CP] #1 - checked 6 vehicles, CP#2 - checked 16 vehicles, CP#3 - checked 85 vehicles. |
0700 hours, SFC Charles C. Bigoness, Staff Duty NCO, was relieved by SFC Broome Battalion S3. Operation SHOTGUN 0730 hours, SP/4 Joseph R. Routhier A Company EMIC Operation SHOTGUN escort team notified this office that the escorts between the 90th Replacement Battalion and Bien Hoa Air Base and return had been completed at 0700 hours without incident. Three gun jeeps and 9 MP's were utilized. Operation SHOTGUN 0800 hours, SP/4 Gary C. Watts, A Company EMIC of the Operation SHOTGUN escort team, notified this office that the escorts between the 90th Replacement Battalion and, Camp Alpha Tan Son Nhut Air Base and return, had been completed at 0730 hours without incident. One Commando Car V100, three 3/4-ton trucks, and 12 MP's were utilized. 0830 hours, Memorial Services for SGT Jewell F. Dodge (KIA 11 July) were held in the 89th MP Group Chapel on Long Binh Post. |
1200 hours, SFC Clarence L. Broome of HQ Detachment tested the Battalion alert horn, loud and clear. 1215 hours, PSP/4 Smith C Company EMIC Hospital Guard detail at the 50th Medical Company notified this office that POW, Tran Van Noc, captured by ARVN unit was released from the 50th to SFC Clarence L. Mizell, RA14380400, MACV Advisory Team #70, 5th ARVN Division, at 1100 hours. 1350 hours, SGT Wainright, 25th Infantry Division PMO, contacted this office by phone requesting information on the accident that occurred in Saigon at 0715 hours 12 July, involving a truck from the 48th Transportation Group and a Vietnamese civilian vehicle. SGT Wainright stated that the 716th MP’s did not have any record of the accident. SGT Norman J. E. Eck of A Company, contacted for the report. 1430 hours, CPT Flanagan, S3 89th MP Group, advised this office to provide 6 personnel to report to the 18th MP Brigade, SMG Jefferies, at 0715 hours 14 July for a clean up detail for the USARV Provost Marshals Office. CPT Leon C. Matassarin, Battalion S3 contacted SGT Jesse R. Towell, B Company and SSG Glenn E. Imler, A Company, and requested each unit provide 3 men each for the detail. 1515 hours, CPT Flanagan, S3 89th MP Group, advised this office to provide 4 MP's in town patrol uniform to the 18th MP Brigade, Criminal Investigation Headquarters, at 1100 hours on 14 July for a special detail. SSG Franklin D. Brown, Operations, 615th MP Company, notified to provide the detail. Tan An Convoy 1530 hours, SGT Curtis J. Cofield A Company NCOIC Tan An Convoy escort, notified this office that the convoy did not show up at Checkpoint #10, and that he had waited for approximately 30 minutes then checked the return route without making contact with the convoy. POW Hospital Guards 1545 hours, SP/4 Thomas E. Griffin C Company, relieved SP/4 Smith as EMIC of Hospital Guards at 24th Evacuation Hospital and 50th Medical Company. POW Escort Team 1600 hours, SSG Gilchrest IIFF PMO, notified this office that he was making arrangements for an aircraft for Monday, 17 July to move 24 POW's from the 9th Infantry Division at Bearcat to the IV Corps enclosure at Can Tho, and that he would advise this office of the time when it became available. SSG Franklin D. Brown, 615th MP Company S3 NCO, notified. 1630 hours, SSG Jackie R. Davis 615th MP Company, reported for SDNCO duty, was briefed by SFC Clarence L. Broome of HQ Detachment and posted. Cu Chi-Tay Ninh Convoy 1800 hours, SGT Alberto M. Ochoa, A Company NCOIC Cu Chi-Tay Ninh Convoy escort, notified this office that the escort had been completed and there was one minor accident. The accident occurred 2 miles north of Military Road involving one of the convoy vehicles and an ARVN military vehicle, minor damage and no injuries. SGT Ochoa was debriefed by SDNCO SSG Jackie R. Davis. After Action report obtained and filed at S3. |
Bien Hoa Detachment 1935 hours, MAJ Hill, Long Binh Provost Marshal advised this office that the 3 gun jeeps, Patrols #1, #2 and #15, had not reported for duty at the Long Binh PMO. Checked with the 615th MP Company revealed that the patrols had departed at 1900 hours. Contacted SGT Thomas Lusby 615th MP Company MP Desk, Bien Hoa Detachment MP Station. SGT Keith D. Allen stated that the patrols had reported to him, were briefed and posted and that he would advise the patrols to report to the Long Binh PMO, Desk Sergeant. Operation RIFLE 1940 hours, SP/4 Ronald L. Erickson, C Company EMIC Operation RIFLE escort team reported the escort from the 93rd Evacuation Hospital to Bien Hoa Air Base and return had been completed at 0845 hours without incident. One gun jeep and 3 MP's were utilized. |
2105 hours, CPT Martin L. Mesick A Company, Battalion SDO, inspected the Battalion Enlisted Men's Club. All secure and in order. POW Escort Team 2150 hours, SGT Keith D. Allen, 615th MP Company, notified this office that he had picked up POW's Le Van Phu, from 1st Infantry Division, and Bui Van Si and Vo Van Tan from the 199th Light Infantry Brigade at Nha Be, and delivered them to the III Corps enclosure without incident at 1700 hours. Two gun jeeps and 5 MP's were utilized. POW Hospital Guards 2300 hours, SGT Roland A. Bellerose C Company, relieved SP/4 Thomas E. Griffin of C Company as NCOIC of MP Hospital Guards at 24th Evacuation Hospital and 50th Medical Company. 2400 hours, Daily Log Closed. |
15 July |
Operations MOOSE & PISTOL |
To reduce the U.S. command footprint in Saigon, under Operation MOOSE (Move Out Of Saigon Expeditiously) General William C. Westmoreland, Commanding General, MACV previously ordered the United State Army Republic of Vietnam (USARV), Joint General Staff Headquarters, and 1st Logistics Command to move from Saigon to their new complex on Long Binh Post. Construction of the new facilities on Long Binh Post was underway long before the official announcement of the move was made publicly. |
The new facilities included three officers' mess halls, a VIP heliport, latrines and showers for enlisted personnel, three trailer courts for general officers, VIP's, senior colonels and a water borne sewage system.
720th MP Battalion elements were involved in providing security escorts for the move during July 1967 under the code name Operation PISTOL. |
TAOR This movement would precipitate a security upgrade surrounding the post and eventually lead to MACV calling on the 18th MP Brigade in a Letter of Instructions, AVCG-O dated 9 October 1967, resulting in Operation CORRAL and STABILIZE. |
16 July |
Operation PADDINGTON The A and C Company, and 615th MP Company vehicle crews returned to the Battalion area with their gun jeeps and V100 Commando Cars. The harsh convoy escort conditions in Operation PADDINGTON proved that the V100 Armored Commando Car was an effective and efficient machine for the military police functioning in the role of direct support of combat elements . |
19 July |
Operations EMPORIA |
The Battalion assigned one Officer and fifteen Enlisted Men from the 615th MP Company to support the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment during Operation EMPORIA. The operation was to secure engineer route clearing along the major transportation avenues in Long Khanh Province in III Corps Tactical Zone.
The detachment performed traffic and convoy control, defile control, traffic accident investigation, control of indigenous personnel, Prisoner of War guards, Medical Civic Action Program security (Med-Cap's) perimeter security, and cordon and search operations. |
25 July |
Operation PADDINGTON The 9th Infantry Division Provost Marshal, LTC David R. Roberts, (Bearcat base camp) sent Battalion HQ through the 18th MP Brigade, a letter of commendation praising 1LT Gordon L. Locke of A Company, SGT James L. Talbert of A Company, SGT William G. Albright of C Company, and SGT Donald R. Dellecese of the 615th MP Company for their “outstanding performance" during Operation PADDINGTON. |
28 July |
Operation EMPORIA Three enlisted members of the 615th MP Company, 720th MP Battalion, were awarded the Silver Star Medal for gallantry in action. SP/4 Allan M. Portnoy, SP/4 Edward E. Williams and PFC Henry J. Hulst were decorated by LTG Bruce C. Palmer, Jr., USARV (United States Army Republic of Vietnam), Deputy Commanding General, during ceremonies at the 18th MP Brigade in Long Binh Post. The incident for which the three MPs were cited occurred on 21 July, when the they were escorting a convoy of armored and engineer vehicles during Operation EMPORIA with the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment, 44 miles northeast of Saigon. |
At 0930 hours (9:30 AM), the lead and trail tanks in the first convoy element were knocked out, and an estimated Viet Cong Battalion, hidden along both sides of the roadway opened up with intense small arms, machine gun, rocket and recoilless rifle fire. The three MPs, in an armored jeep, directed deadly fire against the enemy. Wile SP/4 Portnoy and PFC Hulst continually exposed themselves in the killing zone to aid the wounded, gather ammunition and secure vital defensive positions, machine gunner SP/4 Williams continued to lay down a steady base of fire despite the fact that all three men were wounded. When SP/4 Portnoy and PFC Hulst moved forward to aid a wounded track crew member and killed six attacking enemy, SP/4 Williams moved his weapon into the open to a position forward of his jeep to cover their actions. |
Bronze Star Medal for Valor were awarded to several, I'm not sure of all the names, CPL Clifton J. "Cliff" Walker, SP/4 Lynn Jorgensen, SP/4 David L. Kerkhoff, SP/4 Randy Stults. Purple Heart Medals were awarded to seven MPs, their may have been several more, I'm not sure. The Purple Hearts that I have listed on General Orders Number 43 are, SGT. Allen, SP/4 Kerkhoff, SP/4 Portnoy, SP/4 Raterink, SP/4 Stults, SP/4 Williams, PFC Hulst. On other order numbers must have been SP/4 Jorgensen and probably SP/4 Wilson and one other. SP/4 Allan M. Portnoy, B Company & 615th MP Company, 720th MP Battalion. |
31 July |
Change of Brigade Command |
COL Thomas F. Guidera passed command of the 18th MP Brigade to BG Harley L. Moore, Jr. On 24 July COL Guidera published this open letter to the troops of the brigade in the official brigade newspaper The Roundup, Issue No. 9, page 1. |
On 31 July 1967, I step down as your commander and pass my colors to Brigadier General Harley L. Moore. It is with a feeling of mixed emotions that I do this, because in spite of my natural desire to rejoin my family in the United States, I truly regret leaving this proud unit. During the year just passed, we have changed and expanded the traditional role of the Military Police in a combat theater from that of the maintenance of discipline, law and order to one of direct combat support. The value of this support has been attested to not only by the commanders of the combat divisions, brigades, and battalions, but by the foxhole soldier as well, because he has seen you men eyeball to eyeball with the Viet Cong on innumerable occasions. |
In my 26 years of service, I have received no greater honor than to have had the privilege of this command. You have accomplished every mission assigned in a completely outstanding way, and I now charge you with continuing in the same fashion for your next commander. Take care of yourselves and your buddies. Remember your fundamentals; don’t allow the VC the slightest advantage and keep your casualties down. I wish you Godspeed and a safe return home upon the completion of your tours. |
Men of the 18th, I salute you. |
Thomas F. Guidera Colonel, MPC Commanding. |
Post Script: Colonel Guidera was a 30-year veteran of the U.S. Army, Military Police Corps. He served in WWII, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War. He earned numerous medals, including the Silver Star, Distinguished Flying Cross, 5 Air Medals, the Legion of Merit and the Vietnamese Cross of Valor. |
He passed from our ranks at his home in West Milbourne, Florida on 4 January 2011 at age 93, and is interred at Florida Memorial Gardens. |
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