Project Managers Note: There are reference's to a planned move of the USARV Provost Marshals Office from Saigon to Long Binh Post planned for the 14th and 15th of July 1967. The log entree noted that several trucks and MP's escorts would be required from the 720th MP Battalion for the move.
There was a third log entree in reference to a cleaning detail needed from the 720th to report to the USARV PMO on Long Binh Post on 14 July 1967.
If should also be noted that the entire USARV Headquarters moved from Saigon to its new quarters on Long Binh Post sometime in early 1967. The move was one of the primary reasons for the 720th MP Battalion being assigned the Tactical Area of Responsibility under Operation STABILIZE in September 1967.
If anyone can verify that this movement was called Operation PISTOL, or provide any other details or photographs, please notify the History Project Manager via the above email link.