2008 Battalion Time Line ~ 720th Military Police Battalion Reunion Association History Project ~ |
Click on Book Icon to view the January, 401st MP Company, Gunfighter Gazette (PDF) Newsletter. |
February |
Click on Book Icon to view the February, 401st MP Company, Gunfighter Gazette (PDF) Newsletter. |
Click on Book Icon to view the 14 February (Valentines Day Issue), 401st MP Company, Gunfighter Gazette (PDF) Newsletter. |
Exact Date Unknown, 153rd MP Company MG Francis Vavala and CSM Paul Breeding, Delaware ARNG, visited the troops of the 153rd Military Police Company (subordinate to 720th MP Battalion HQ&HQ Detachment) at Camp Liberty, Iraq. |
March |
Click on Book Icon to view the March, 401st MP Company, Gunfighter Gazette (PDF) Newsletter. |
April |
16 April, Sab al Bor, Iraqi In the early morning hours Sons of Iraq (SOI), an acronym for Concerned Local Citizens, greeted MPs from the 411th MP Company and the Sab al Bor Iraqi police (IP) force at the main checkpoint in Sab al Bor, where an SOI captain had been shot in the leg the night before by local criminals. A squad from 411th MP Company lives at the police station with their IP counterparts and conducts police transition team operations, which consists of training the Sab al Bor police force on how to properly run a police station while policing their community. The MPs conducted “over watch” duties and provided support at the checkpoint while the SOI and IPs conducted the security searches of people and vehicles. In addition, a platoon of soldiers from the Estonian military and soldiers from Troop B, 2nd Squadron, 14th Cavalry Regiment, 2nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division, Multi-National Division, Baghdad, searched houses looking for any criminal activity in the area. After the village was thoroughly searched, the MPs returned to the Sab al Bor station. |
25 April, Fort Leonard Wood, MO A three soldier team (#15) from the 720th MP Battalion consisting of SSG Ascencion Carmona Jr. (410th MP Company), SPC Nick Cloutier (178th MP Detachment), PFC Joshua Cook (410th MP Company), and their coach, SGT Josh Barrera (411th MP Company), took second place in a grueling 72 hour competition at the 12th Annual Warrior Police Challenge at Corps Headquarters, Fort Leonard Wood, MO. Twenty nine MP teams competed in nine events including a physical fitness assessment, obstacle course challenge, law and order scenario, field craft event, M9 pistol and M4 rifle weapons proficiency, live fire shoothouse, team weapons proficiency test, written examination and grueling 15-mile endurance march. |
The Battalion Team placed first in the rucksack march and written examination, and within the top six in physical fitness assessment, obstacle course challenge, law and order scenario, field craft event, live fire shoothouse, and team weapons proficiency test. A tough day at the range cost them first place. |
Click on Book Icon to view the April, 401st MP Company, Gunfighter Gazette (PDF) Newsletter. |
May |
5 May, Fort Hood, TX Motorcyclists braved the early morning chill and gathered at the visitor control center at 8 a.m. for the 3rd Annual Fort Hood Ride to Remember to honor 720th Military Police Battalion, 89th Military Police Brigade, Soldiers who died in combat. Organizers sold ride T-shirts for a minimum donation of $15 with proceeds going toward maintaining the 720th MP Battalion Memorial. “There are a lot of motorcycle riders in the battalion,” said MSG Danny Weakley, HQ Detachment (rear guard) S2 Intelligence NCOIC and an organizer of the ride. After a quick safety brief and a prayer by the battalion chaplain, nearly 40 bikes sped out of the Visitors Control Center toward Interstate 195 with a police escort. The group stopped at a cafe in Florence to fuel up and grab a snack. From there they drove in staggered formation to a motorcycle shop in Austin where they joined the Texas Peace Officers’ Memorial Foundation’s 7th Annual Capitol Ride for the Fallen. At 11 a.m., more than 450 bikes poured out of the motorcycle shop parking lot onto Interstate 35. The freeway was blocked off by police officers, who cleared the road to a location near the capitol where the group took over three stories of a parking garage. |
From there the riders walked across the street to the Texas Peace Officers’ Memorial Tribute. |
14 May, Camp Stryker, Iraq Headquarters Detachment, 720th MP Battalion completes its tour in Iraq and conducts the transfer of authority to the 793rd MP Battalion at Camp Stryker. DOD_Video 100019184 |
The Soldiers of the 793rd Military Police Battalion accepted authority for their deployed mission from the 720th Military Police Battalion during a ceremony at Camp Stryker May 14. The 793rd - known as the "Spartans" - will support the police transition team mission for Multi-National Division - Center, training Iraqi Police in skills such as detainee operations, search techniques, marksmanship, police investigations and equipment accountability.
In his remarks at the ceremony LTC Frank Y. Rangel, the 720th commander, spoke with pride of his Soldiers' success here. "These Soldiers compiled a record of achievement and success that boggles the mind," he said. "Day in and day out, they mounted their rides to work at the Iraqi Police stations, secured the venues for their principals, or turned a wrench or fixed a radio ... all the while the threat of an (improvised explosive device) or indirect fire loomed just a moment away. " The 720th's Soldiers travelled nearly 1.8 million miles on some of the most dangerous roads in the most dangerous neighborhoods in the world, to develop a police force capable and worthy of the Iraqi people, said COL Mark Spindler, commander of the 18th MP Brigade, the 720th's higher headquarters while in Iraq. LTC Michael Blahovec, commander of the 793rd, said his unit will benefit from the efforts of the 720th and the progress its Soldiers made before the 793rd's arrival. "We fully intend to take all the progress that's been made over the past 15 months by the 720th MP Battalion and begin building on that," Blahovec said. "Fortunately we got to spend the better part of the last three weeks working with their staff and leadership and getting out to see all of the units they support." During the ceremony, Rangel and CSM Jerry A. Craig cased the 720th's colors to symbolize their departure, and Blahovec and CSM Eric Hodges uncased the 793rd's standard to complete the transfer of authority. This is the 793rd's second deployment in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. Its first was in 2004 and 2005. The 793rd is a U.S. Army Europe unit based in Bamberg, Germany, and is part of the 18th, which is headquartered in Mannheim, Germany. |
18 May, Fort Hood, TX Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, 720th Military Police Battalion, returned to Fort Hood from their 15-month deployment to Iraq. Their plane touched down just after 1300 hours at Robert Gray Army Airfield. While deployed, the unit worked in Multi-National Corps–Iraq. There they conducted police transition training with the Iraqi police in Babel, Baghdad and Wasid. They helped train the Sons of Iraq, Iraqis who were either going to join the Iraqi Security Forces or work in the Iraqi government. The Battalion also provided security for the prime minister of Iraq, U.S. ambassador to Iraq, and the commanding general of Multi National Coalition–Iraq. |
Click on Book Icon to view the May, 401st MP Company, Gunfighter Gazette (PDF) Newsletter. |
June |
Click on Book Icon to view the June, 401st MP Company, Gunfighter Gazette (PDF) Newsletter. |
August |
3 August, Fort Hood, TX The 64th Military Police Company, 720th Military Police Battalion, 89th Military Police Brigade, lead by CPT John Templer and 1SG Thomas Gray returned from their 15-month tour in Iraq and reunited with their Families 6 pm at the Kieschnick Physical Fitness Center. The unit spent the first three months of their tour at Camp Adder, Tillil Air Force Base, Iraq, providing convoy escorts for the 82nd Sustainment Brigade. For the remainder of their tour, the 64th MP Co. was stationed at Camp Liberty, Iraq, and supported the Iraqi police with police transition team training. |
20 August, Fort Hood, TX The Battalion received two new commanders in a ceremony at Gauntlet Field, Fort Hood. LTC Frank Y. Rangel, Jr. whose command began on 15 June 2006, passed the Battalion colors to LTC David J. Segalla, Jr. LTC Rangel move on to assignment with the Corps MP School at Fort Leonard Wood, MO. |
CSM J. Drew Craig transferred responsibilities to CSM Peter J. Ladd. It was a double ceremony for CSM Craig whose retirement after 27 years in the Army became effective the end of the day. |
Miscellaneous Photographs ~ Operation Iraqi Freedom |
042408 2nd Squad, 2nd Platoon, 401st MP Company in Camp Liberty, Baghdad. |
042408 SGT's Barnum & Lowe 401st MP Company at Camp Liberty, Baghdad. |
042408 SGT Barnum & SPC Nutter 401st MP Company at Camp. Liberty, Baghdad. |
041808 SPC Jim Potter, 411th MP Company on patrol in Tarmiyah. |
Miscellaneous Photographs ~ Fort Hood |