March 1968 ~ Battalion Timeline |
All major theater improvements, Cold War events or incidents that affected the 720th MP Battalion’s force allocations, training, operations, deployments, morale or history are shown in blue American Typewriter Font. |
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1 March |
Saigon South Vietnamese President Nguyen Van Thieu ordered the drafting of 19 year olds to aid in his plan to mobilize an additional 135,000 South Vietnamese troops to bolster the country's war effort. On 1 May the second phase was include the drafting of 18 year olds. He planned to reach as soon as possible a total military strength of more than 800,000 men. |
7 March |
The 720th MP Battalion Provided one officer, seventeen enlisted men and six gun jeeps for direct support of the movement of the 101st Airborne Division from Bien Hoa Air Base to the Saigon docks during 7-10 March. |
10 March |
LTC Robert Reinke the fourth commanding officer of the battalion in Vietnam, passed command to LTC Zane V. Kortum. |
18 March |
The following Battalion personnel were awarded the Army Commendation Medal for Meritorious Service under 18th MP Brigade General Orders #214: SP/5s Gilbert C. Beyer, and Floyd R. Bryan, 212th MP Company (Sentry Dog); SP/4 Frederick R. Balcer, A Company; SGT Joseph V. Berger, B Company; and SP/4 Fred D. Clark, HQ Detachment.
0001 hours Journal opened by SGT Foster. 0455 hours, Mississippi 3 [radio call sign] reported the Tay Ninh Convoy departed Long Binh Post at 0445 hours [4:45AM], with 139 vehicles. 89th MP Group notified. 1030 hours, SGT Billy Ball, A Company, NCOIC of POW Guard Detail notified this office that detainee Nguyen Van Hong had been admitted to Ward #2, at the 50th Medical Company. POW count changed to 150. 1100 hours, SP/4 Rucki, 50th Medical Company notified this office that Nguyen Van Chung had been declared a "Chieu Hoi" [amnesty program] by the 219 Military Intelligence Detachment. SP/4 Rucki requested that Chung be removed from the hospital. SP/4 Stanley Van Kleeck, C Company, notified and will dispatch an escort team. 1445 hours, SP/4 Daniel J. ONeil, A Company, POW escorts notified this office that Chung had been transported from the 50th Medical Company and released to the Bien Hoa Chieu Hoi Center. SGT Harris, II Field Forces, MSG Coder, 89th MP Group notified. POW count changed to 149. 1530 hours, SGT Harris, 2nd Field Forces, notified this office that the following five POWs were at Cu Chi and that they would be moved by air on 19 March 1968. Nguyen Van Rung, Nguyen Van Hanh, Le Dinh Khoa, Troung Van Knanh and Hoang Van Son.
Aircraft will depart Bien Hoa Air Base [BHAB] at 0800 hours [8:00AM], flight #426 and will return to BHAB at 1000 hours [10:00AM]. Three POWs and one member of Military Intelligence (MI) will accompany our MPs on the flight and we will provide transportation from BHAB to the III Corps HQs Intelligence & Security Section. 1SG Thomas M. Amii, A Company notified. 1545 hours, SFC Janss, 89th MP Group notified this office that 15 POWs and four Guards from 16th MP Group will arrive at Tan Son Nhut Air Base at 1315 hours [1:15PM], 19 March 1968 on flight #852. The POWs are to be transported to the III Corps enclosure. 1SG Thomas M. Amii, A Company notified 1600 hours, The Tay Ninh Convoy of 17 March 1968 returned to Long Binh Post. SFC Janss 89th MP Group SFC Roger F. Ruggles, HHD, S3 notified. 1625 hours, The Xuan Loc Convoy returned to Long Binh Post, MAJ Fred Villella, 89th MP Group notified. 1638 hours, Staff Duty NCO SGT Tucker assumed the duties as Staff Duty NCO. 1700 hours, The POW count was furnished to SP/5 Daine, 89th MP Group: 24th Evacuation Hospital, six POWs and six MP Guards; 50th Medical Company, 149 POWs and twenty-seven MP Guards. 1740 hours, MSG Coder, 89th MP Group requested one Armored Personnel Carrier [APC] be dispatched to the 92nd MP Battalion for support until 0700 hours [7:00AM], 19 March 1968. SGT Ewers, B Company, notified and will dispatch the APC with a driver and Track Commander. MSG Coder 89th MP Group notified. 1812 hours, 1LT Robert V. Vogt, A Company notified this office that he is unable to report to the 720th MP Battalion prior to afternoon of 19 March 1968. CPT Gaydos, HQ Detachment S1 notified. 1951 hours, The Tay Ninh Convoy of 18 March 1968 returned to Long Binh Post. SGT Whitmire 89th MP Group notified. 2010 hours, Transport Request 1SG Thomas M. Amii, A Company, notified this office that he was contacted by Mr. Werner of the 219 Military Intelligence Detachment who requested transportation to Bien Hoa Air Base at 0700 hours [7:00AM] on 19 March. 1SG Amii advised this office and Mr. Werner that A Company couldnt provide the transport. SDNCO notified, said to advise Mr. Werner he would have to provide his own. 2400 hours Journal Closed. |
19 March |
0100 hours: Journal Opened by SGT Foster. 0430 hours, Mississippi #3 [radio call sign], reported the Tay Ninh Convoy departed Long Binh Post with 141 vehicles. 89th MP Group notified. 0534 hours, At 0530 hours [5:30AM], Mississippi #3 reported that the rear elements of the Tay Ninh Convoy were under attack from mortar and automatic weapons fire. The requested a Light Fire Team (LFT), 2 clicks [2,000 meters], south of the Thu Duc Intersection on Highway 1-A. SFC Roger F. Ruggles Battalion Operations, 89th MP Group, Long Binh Post Tactical Operations Center, notified that a LFT was requested. 0540 hours, SFC Roger F. Ruggles, Battalion Operations [S3], contacted Dog Face Yankee [radio call sign] 1st Infantry Division element. Dog Face Yankee stated that the LFT was not needed.The Tay Ninh Convoy received no hostile fire but that all fire in the area was friendly. Tay Ninh Convoy was to Check Point 051 with no casualties and no damage. 89th MP Group, CPT Steven Vass, Jr. Battalion Operations, notified. The LFT canceled.
1010 hours, SP/4 Rucki, 50th Medical Company notified this office that he had 12 POWs ready for release to the III Corps enclosure and one POW, Nguyen Ngoc Thanh had been declared an innocent civilian and requested he be moved to the Bien Hoa Province Hospital. SGT Harris, II Field Forces notified and authorized move, SGT Ball, NCOIC POW Guards notified to move POW Thanh. 1330 hours, SGT Billy Ball, A Company, NCOIC POW Guards, notified this office that an unidentified POW, registration #2416, had been admitted to the 50th Medical Company at 1020 hours [10:20AM], and expired at 1300 hours [1:00PM], from gun shot wounds of the head and thigh. The death was pronounced by CPT Fulper. SP/5 Denkers 89th MP Group, SGT Mays 18th MP Brigade, CPT Steven Vass, Jr, Battalion Operations notified. Serious Incident Report [SIR] completed and forwarded. 1705 hours, MSG Coder, 89th MP Group notified this office to move POW Nguyen Ngoc Long from the 50th Medical Company to CMIC [Combined Military Interrogation Center], Saigon on 20 March 1968. 1SG Thomas Amii, A Company notified. 1710 hours, In reference to journal entrees 1530 and 1540 hours, 18 March 68: SFC William W. Wasiak, A Company, POW Escorts, notified this office that they had moved eight POWs from Cu Chi, three to the III Corps enclosure and five to G2, III Corps Headquarters without incident. SFC Wasiak further stated that the fifteen POWs from 16th MP Group arrived late and the POWs were taken to the 199th Light Infantry Brigade for confinement until 20 March 68 when they will be moved to the III Corps enclosure on 20 March 68. CPT Steven Vass, Jr. Battalion Operations, SFC Janss 89th MP Group, SGT Harris notified. 1715 hours, SGT Ward assumed the duties as Battalion Staff Duty Noncommissioned Officer. 1720 hours, SGT Fishback, Bien Hoa Province notified this office that the ACC [Air Combat Command], meeting would be held at Bien Hoa Sector Headquarters at 1000 hours [10:00AM] 21 March 68. CPT Steven Vass Battalion Operations notified. 2035 hours, This office was notified by radio that the lead of the Tay Ninh Convoy arrived at Long Binh Post at 2015 hours [8:15PM], and the trail at 2033 hours [8:33PM], The convoy had one accident at 0650 hours [6:50AM], at the New Port Bridge. One Bobtail and another U.S. government vehicle was involved. Report of extensive damage. Details of the accident are unknown at this time. The accident will be investigated by the 716th MP Battalion. SGT Janns 89th MP Group notified. 2145 hours, SGT Michael J. Maratea, A Company, NCOIC of the Hospital Guards notified this office that two Viet Cong had been admitted to the 50th Medical Company Hospital. Le Van Cu, registration #2418, age 20, was admitted at 2110 hours [9:10PM], capturing unit unknown in Long An Province. Truong Van Nho #2419 was admitted at 2115 hours [9:15PM],. Capturing unit unknown in Gia Dinh Province. Both are VC suspects at present time. SGT Janss 89th MP Group notified. 2359 hours, SGT Ward was relieved as SDNCO by SGT Foster. 2400 hours: Journal Closed. |
20 March |
0001 hours: Journal opened by SGT Foster. 0430 hours, Mississippi 3 [radio call sign] reported that the Tay Ninh Convoy had departed Long Binh Post with 109 vehicles. 0850 hours, In reference to Journal entree 1705 hours, 19 March 68, LT Mitchell, 50th Medical Company notified this office that POW Long was not medically fit to be transferred at this time. Long will not be ready for transfer until at least Friday, 22 March 68. SGT Errol J. Reddick, A Company, POW Escort Team notified. 0955 hours, SGT Fishback notified this office that the ACC [air combat command] meeting had been postponed until Thursday, 28 March 68, 1000 hours [10:00AM]. CPT Steven Vass Jr. Battalion Operations notified. 1120 hours, SP/5 Denkers, 89th MP Group notified this office that POW Tran Van Kinh is to be moved from Bear Cat to CMIC [Combined Military Interrogation Center], Saigon this date. 1SG Thomas Amii, A Company, notified and will dispatch escort team. 1130 hours, CPT Powers notified this office that CPT Wilson, 219th Military Intelligence Detachment notified him that detainee Nguyen Thanh Ha (female) had been declared an innocent civilian. Ha will be returned to Di An for release on 21 March 68. SGT Harris II Field Forces and 1SG Thomas Amii, A Company notified. 1430 hours, CPT Wilson 219th Military Intelligence Detachment notified this office that POW Ha was not an innocent civilian. Ha was not an innocent civilian and he wanted her transferred to G2 III Corps Headquarters. SGT Harris II Field Forces and 1SG Thomas Amii, A Company notified. 1710 hours, SGT Errol J. Reddick, A Company, POW Escort Team, notified this office that POW Tran Van Kinh was moved to CMIC [Combined Military Interrogation Center], Saigon, without incident, SGT Hefflinger 89th MP Group notified. 1715 hours, SGT Woods assumed the duties of Staff Duty Noncommissioned Officer. 1720 hours, SGT Lee, NCOIC POW Guards notified this office that POW Thai Van Hong had been admitted to the 50th Medical Company. POW count changed to 151. 1740 hours, SGT Hefflinger 89th MP Group reported that 212th MI (Military Intelligence) reported that ARVN Officer In Charge of Tu Duc Subsector stated that 3 battalions of Viet Cong units were in the Tu Duc area. They found 1 Viet Cong body with an AK47 and 100 rounds of ammunition. Reported to Staff Duty Officer at 1745 hours [5:45PM]. 1745 hours, SGT Hefflinger 89th MP Group was notified of the POW count. 24th Evacuation Hospital, 12 POWs and 11 MP Guards; 50th Medical Company, 145 POWs and nine MP Guards; Total 157 POWs and twenty MP Guards. 2045 hours, SGT Lee reported that there was a new count of POWs in 50th Medical Company is now 155. Ned admissions were Le Van Vhen, Nguyen Nghi, Pham Khu, Dao Trung Ngoc. POW count changed to 155. MSG Coder 89th MP Group notified. 2055 hours, MSG Coder 89th MP Group was notified of the POW count. 24th Evacuation Hospital, 6 POWs and 11 MP Guards; 50th Medical Company, 149 POWs and nine MP Guards; Total 155 POWs and twenty MP Guards. 2055 hours, At 8:55PM the Tay Ninh Convoy arrived at Long Binh Post, one accident reported, not involving MP vehicles. SGT Stevens 89th MP Group notified. 2230 hours, At approximately 2330 hours [11:30PM], Diep Lam Thi and her son Duong Nguyen Thi were dropped off at the 24th Evacuation Hospital by helicopter. The son was treated and released by the 93rd Evacuation Hospital. The mother was questioned by the 219th Military Intelligence and determined to be a detainee. Both were transported to the 199th Light Infantry Brigade collection point and held at that location. Company A provided the transportation, 629s were recorded on both, CPT Wilder, II Field Force notified. 2400 hours, SGT Lee, NCOIC POW Guards reported that Ha Thi Son (female) was admitted to the pre-operation ward at the 24th Evacuation Hospital. Total POW Count 156. Journal Closed. |
21 March |
0100 hours Journal Opened by SGT Foster. 0135 hours, At 1:35AM the 92nd MP Battalion (Saigon) went on red alert status. CPT Steven Vass Operations Officer, LTC Zane V. Kortum, Battalion Commander, notified. 0205 hours, At 2:05AM, SGT Coder of the 89th MP Group reported that Ton San Nhut Airfield came under mortar attack at 0115 hours [1:15AM], and that the attack terminated at 0120 hours (1:20AM). CPT Vass, Operations Officer and B Company notified. 0300 hours, SGT Foster contacted the Headquarters Area Command [HAC] Saigon MP Desk Sergeant whom stated that only Ton Son Nhut Airbase was on Red Alert and that Saigon was still Green for all convoy traffic. 48th Transportation Group, B Company, 89th MP Group notified. 0450 hours, Mississippi 3 [radio call sign] reported the Tay Ninh Convoy departed Long Binh Post at 0440 hours [4:40AM], with 179 vehicles. 89th MP Group notified. 0615 hours, At 6:15AM, Mississippi 3 [radio call sign] reported that the Tay Ninh Convoy was being held at Check Point #15. CPT Vass, Operations Officer notified. 1030 hours, SFC Reese, C Company, notified this office that C Company had conducted a reconnaissance of the route for the escort of Wing Commander [WC] Smith and they had contacted Squadron Leader [SL] Oxenham in WC Smiths office for formal arrangements. SL Oxenham stated that the times were furnished but the WC had no vehicle and it was requested that WC Smith ride in the MP gun jeeps. No decision was made at that time. CPT Vass, Operations Officer, SGT Hefflinger, 89th MP Group notified. 1110 hours, At 11:10AM, SGT Hefflinger, 89th MP Group notified this office that the 92nd MP Battalion might need an Armored Personnel Carrier (APC) at 1830 hours [6:30PM] this date because one of their is deadlined with a possible blown head gasket. SGT Hefflinger will have the 92nd call, back at 1700 hours [5:00PM], if they still need one. 1120 hours, At 11:20AM, CPT Silva, 89th MP Group notified this office that the 18th MP Brigade would furnish a sedan for WC Smith on 22 March. C Company is assigned to escort the sedan from brigade headquarters to Saigon and return. The escort will depart at 0845 hours [8:45AM] 22 March. CPT Vass, SP/4 Van Kleeck C Company notified. 1515 hours, At 3:15PM SGT John H. Wilkens, A Company, NCOIC Hospital Guard Detail, notified this office that POW Truong Van Nho #2419 had expired at 1400 hours [2:00PM], of gunshot wounds of the skull and right forearm. Death was pronounced by CPT (doctor) Fuller. Nho was admitted to the hospital on 19 March. No further information available. SFC Janss, 89th MP Group, SGT Haye, 18th MP Brigade, CPT Vass, Operations Officer, notified. POW count changed to 142. 1632 hours, At 4:32PM the Xuan Loc Convoy arrived at Long Binh Post. MAJ Fred J. Villella, 89th MP Group, CPT Vass, Operations Officer notified. 1647 hours, At 4:47PM, the POW count was forwarded to SGT Labra of the 89th MP Group. TAOR: 1648 hours, At 4:48PM, DNSA notified this office that there will be an artillery coordinating meeting at 1400 hours [2:00PM], on 22 March. They requested a representative from this headquarters. CPT Vass and SFC Roger Ruggles, Operations Sergeant notified. 1650 hours, At 4:50PM, POW Nguyen Van Cua is to be moved from Di An to Saigon, Central Military Intelligence Center [CMIC], contact LT Forigecit, Di An #2931. The POW is a Lieutenant. 1SG Thomas M. Ammi, A Company notified. 1720 hours, At 5:20PM SP/5 Denkers, 92nd MP Battalion notified this office that they will require one Armored Personnel Carrier [APC], for tonight as theirs has not been repaired. LT Kelly, SFC Reese, C Company, notified to dispatch APC. 2020 hours, At 8:20PM, SP/4 William L. Spence, B Company, reported that the Tay Ninh Convoy arrived at Long Binh Post. SGT Wilkinson, SDNCO, 89th MP Group notified. 2030 hours, At 8:30PM, LT Brody, 89th MP Group Duty Officer notified this office that a document had to be picked up and forwarded to this office. The document was marked Safe Hands. SGT Wilson assigned to pick it up. SFC Ruggles, notified, document placed in safe. 2110 hours, At 9:10PM, SP/4 Steven O. Payton, A Company, notified this office that the POW count remained the same as reported at 1647 hours, but a change in wards was made. 2140 hours, At 9:40PM, SP/4 William L. Spence, A Company, POW Hospital Guard, notified this office that while conducting a routine search at the POW facility at the 50th Medical Company, at 2045 hours [8:45PM]: one disposable safety razor with blade was found taped to the bed of POW Nguyen Van Ut; A beer can opener was hidden between two bars of soap belonging to Le Van Van; A beer can opener was found hidden in the cot of Ngo Van Kiem. CPT Vass, Duty Officer, SGT Wilkerson, 89th MP Group were notified. 2400 hours: Journal Closed. |
22 March |
CPT Alfred A. Alexander, former Commanding Officer of the 615th MP Company, assumed duties as the new Battalion S4 Logistics Officer. 0001 hours, The Daily Journal was opened by SGT Foster. 0200 hours, 1LT Clifford L. Brody of A Company reported that at 0135 hours the Bien Hoa Air Base came under mortar attack. 0214 hours, SP/5 Brown, Charge of Quarters of the 212th MP Company (Sentry Dog) reported that all personnel were present and accounted for. 0225 hours, SGT Winkelman of 89th MP Group reported that 3 mortar rounds fell inside the perimeter of the Bien Hoa Air Base. The 101st Airborne Division area took possibly 2 mortar rounds but it could not be confirmed. 0432 hours, Mississippi #3 (radio call sign) reported that the Tay Ninh Convoy departed Long Binh Post with 77 vehicles. 89th MP Group was notified. 0950 hours, SGT Hefflinger of 89th MP Group notified this office that the POW escort team would be needed on 23 March to transport 17 POW’s from Dong Tam to Can Tho. The aircraft will depart Bien Hoa Air Base at 0800 hours, mission #426. The POW’s to be transported are: To Van Kiet, Le Van Guai, Luong Van Duc, Le Van Phuoc, Nguyen Van Kieu, Vo Diem, Vo Van The, Vo Van Mot, Tran Van Sau, Le Van Chinh, Tran Van Son, Tran Van Buy, Ha Van Thi, Nguyen Van Bay, Nguyen Van Phi, Ly Van De and Pham Van Viet. 1SG Thomas Amii of A Company was notified. 1320 hours, SGT John H. Wilkens NCOIC of the A Company POW Guard detail notified this office that POW Duong Van Ly had been admitted to the 50th Medical Hospital. POW Count changed to 143. 1630 hours, SFC Frank A. “Pappy” Condon of C Company assumed the duties as Battalion Staff Duty NCO. 1650 hours, This office sent the POW status report to SP/5 Denkers at the 89th MP Group. 1755 hours, SGT Errol G. Reddick of the A Company POW Escort Team notified this office that a POW had been moved from Di An to the Central Military Intelligence Center, Saigon without incident. SFC Janss of 89th MP Group was notified. 1920 hours, The Tay Ninh Convoy returned to Long Binh Post. SGT Hayes of 89th MP Group was notified. 2000 hours, All companies were notified by SFC Francis A. Condon the SDNCO from C Company to disperse all vehicles in their company area and to send an officer or senior NCO to Battalion Tactical Operations Center. PFC Ross, A Company, SGT Bowman, B Company, SP/4 Daniel D. Shuck, C Company, PFC Anthony H. Destefano of HQ & HQ Detachmen were notified. |
Ambush At An Xuan Village |
Exact Time Unknown Two ambush teams were given their orders and briefing by the battalion operations officer for a classic night hammer and anvil ambush mission in An Xuan Village. Platoon Leader 1LT George A. Loftin was assigned to lead the sweeping hammer team of A Company, and Platoon Leader 1LT Darryl K. Solomonson the anvil team of B Company. 1LT Loftin’s team was directed to sweep through the village along the main trail from the south to the north. 1LT Solomonson’s team was to set up their position in the northeast end of the village by the main trail. After deployment the S3 changed 1LT Solomonson’s position instructing him to move to a new location by the footbridge just northeast of the village joint Popular Forces and B Company Outpost-1. |
In the dark the hammer team moved through the village towards the footbridge not being aware that the S3 never informed 1LT Loftin of the change in the anvil team position. The anvil team spotted what they thought was a VC squad entering their kill-zone from the village trail and opened fire. |
The result was three members were seriously wounded in the exchange before anyone realized what had happened. 1LT Loftin was struck in the shoulder, leg and arm, and SP/4 William R. Cheney of B Company in the foot and SP/4 George J. Schlitz of B Company was also wounded. The three were removed by a Medevac to the 93rd Evacuation Hospital on Long Binh Post, and eventually recovered from their wounds. |
After realizing what had happened and why, 1LT Solomonson immediately returned to Battalion TOC and made his dissatisfaction known to the S3 in a manner that didn’t endear him, but got the point across to insure it would not happen again. For reasons yet to be explained, the incident was never entered into the official S3 Daily log. |
Alfa Company Team |
Members of the Alfa Company team were: 1LT George A. "Tony" Loftin, SP/4's Ballinger R. "Skip" Brown, Robert "Twiggie" Henslee, James E. Scott, Jr., Gary A. Sundt, and others yet to be identified. |
Bravo Company Team |
Members of the Bravo Company team were: 1LT Daryl K. Solomonson, SP/4's William R. Cheney, George J. Schlitz, and others yet to be identified. |
Personal Reflections |
“Bill Cheney was my radioman, and took a round in his foot. He was on the ground next to me. The only reason there were so few hurt is that both units reloaded their weapons at the same time and we could hear “English” being spoken on each others radios.” CPT Daryl K. Solomonson, Commanding Officer, B Company. |
Personal Reflections |
“I was walking trail. I dove onto the berm and raised up to return fire, and almost shot our newest Alpha Company member who was on his first ambush.” SP/4 Ballinger R. "Skip" Brown, A Company. |
Personal Reflections |
“The night in question A company’s ambush team was going to have a combined patrol along with B company. We had set up an ambush between OP-1 and OP-2. I can’t remember what the intelligence was for us to have a combined patrol. In the early hours nothing had occurred and we were told to secure. |
On the way back I was third in line and carrying the M-79, (thumper). We were walking on a dike path near the village. On my right I had noticed a small hooch or out building. I then heard the loading of what sounded like someone chambering a round into a M-14. (It was very distinct sound that only an M-14 could make) Before I could even shout it, (it’s an M-14) firing erupted behind me. I immediately hit the deck on the other side of the dike. I never even had the chance to fire off a grenade. The firing lasted only seconds and then calls were being heard to, “cease fire”. Interesting thing was everyone fired one magazine and no more shots were made. |
I could hear in the background someone was wounded and needed Dust Off. (Time has erased my memory as to who else was involved from A co except 1LT Loftin and Hensley. I don’t remember SGT Dedijer who was the squad leader being there either) Dust Off was called and arrived shortly there after. Someone guided them with a white star-cluster flare. |
Once we got back the company area we had a debriefing by the arms room. CPT [Steven] Vass, [Jr.] who was the S-3 at Battalion was on duty that night at TOC. Word came down from him that he wanted to send us back out there because he “knew” there was some VC out there. It was decided that we would not go back. I still have vivid memories of that night.” SGT Gary A. Sundt, A Company. |
Personal Reflections |
"We were walking down edge of a rice field. Trying to avoid bungee sticks or booby traps. All of a sudden we came under fire. Our lieutenant and radio operator were hit. We all slid down the bank firing back as we slid. We emptied our rifles and reloaded. "Grenades" were called for and since I was one with some. I readied to tossed one in the direction of the firing when all of a sudden, someone yelled out, "hey, those sound like our guys". I had been readied and waited for the command "throw". I had already pulled the pin but held the clip in. When we discovered it was our guys, I replaced the pin in the clip (shaking all the while). |
Once we regrouped, we were able to call for a chopper to evacuate our casualties.
Once we got back to the company area, we had a debriefing. I believe it was by a major. He was ripping into us, but he was the one who knew ours-and-their position. We got hopping mad, but held our tongue. This is what I remember from that awful night. SGT James E. Scott, Jr., A Company
Thiy. |
“Just newly arrived in-country from South Korea I was a member of the joint Popular Forces & B Company staff at Outpost-2 in Long Hung Village approximately 1 kilometer north of An Xuan Village. I was monitoring the radio traffic for the night and remember the anvil team briefly stopping at the outpost before moving south on the roadway towards An Xuan. Within the hour the night sky in the direction of An Xuan was suddenly filled with tracers and the sound of a firefight quickly followed with radio transmissions reporting the ambush. The radio traffic then changed to a report of casualties and a request for immediate ground support from Outpost-1 and air evacuation of the wounded. From that point on the traffic indicated that two friendly ambush teams had engaged each other.” CPL Thomas T. Watson, B Company. |
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2055 hours, SP/5 Franchino of 89th MP Group Operations reported that 1 POW and 2 MP’s will depart Nha Trang at 0630 hours 23 March and will arrive at Ton Son Nhut Air base, Saigon at 0905 hours 23 March. PFC Ross of A Company was notified. 2300 hours, PFC Destefano the HQ & HQ Detachment Charge of Quarters notified this office that all personnel were present or accounted for. 2400 hours, Daily Journal Closed. |
23 March |
0135 hours, At 1:35AM, LT Holden, 98th Advisory Team, Duc Thu District advised that an intelligence report stated the Viet Cong [VC] will start a widespread coordinated attack at 0300 hours 23 March 1968. CPT Steven Vass, Jr. Battalion Operations notified. 0440 hours, At 4:40AM, CPT Fitzgerald, Staff Duty Officer, reported that Mississippi #3 [radio call sign] Tay Ninh Convooy reported that the convoy was ready to depart Long Binh Post but was being held up by the 548th Transportation Group. 89th MP Group notified. 0448 hours, At 4:48AM Mississippi #3 reported that the Tay Ninh Convoy had departed Long Binh post at 0435 hours [4:35AM], with 96 vehicles. 89th MP Group notified. 1230 hours, SGT Deving assumed duties as Battalion Staff Duty Noncommissioned Officer. 1310 hours, At 1:10PM SP/5 Denkers, 89th MP Group notified this office that the the 18th MP Brigade has just notified his office that the 16th MP Group sent them a message cancelling the POW transport scheduled to leave Nha Trang at 0630 hours [6:30AM] 23 March 68, and arrive at Ton Son Nhut Air base, Saigon at 0905 hours [9:05AM], 23 March 68. The A Company POW escort team assigned was released at 1115 hours when the aircraft failed to arrive. 1440 hours, At 2:40PM SGT Errol G. Reddick, A Company, notified this office that 19 POWs were removed from Doing Tam to Can Tho by air without incident. They arrived at Can Tho at 1020 hours [10:20AM]. PFC Shunk, II Field Forces, SGT Hefflinger 89th MP Group notified. 1525 hours, At 3:25PM SGT Corn, 89th MP Group called and requested a copy of the Battalion Standard Operating Procedures for the Inspector General for next month. 1LT Kelly notified. 1550 hours, At 3:50PM, SGT Reese, C Company, called this office and reported that he has seven Armored Personnel Carriers [APC] ready to roll if needed. 1615 hours, At 4:15PM this office was notified by SGT Coder, 89th MP Group that all Lieutenants and Noncomissioned Officers will attend a meeting at United States Army Republic of Vietnam Auditorium [USARV], on 25 March at 1000 hours [10:00AM]. 1700 hours, At 5:00PM the POW count was forwarded to SFC Janss, 89th MP Group, POW count 144. 1715 hours, At 5:15PM a Serious Incident Report [SIR], by SP/4 Steven O. Payton, A Company, reported a POW death. One POW died after admission to the 50th Medical Company. One POW wounded, still living, detailed report as follows: 1710 hours, At 5:10PM SP/4 Payton, NCOIC of the POW Guard Detail reported that POW Chi Quan expired at 1550 hours [3:50PM], cause of death was penetration wound of interior vein. Caua Chi Quan was pronounced dead by Dr. Glatweidon. Chi Quan was admitted at 1500 hours [3:00PM]. One wounded POW Nguyen Thau Phuong #2434, time of admission, 1500 hours. The POW were captured in an action against the 1st Infantry Division. SIR hand carried by runner to 89th MP Group. POW count changed to 145. TAOR: 1735 hours, At 5:35PM, the 89th MP Group provided grid coordinates (map locations) of ambush patrols for, C/2/18th, C/1/18th, D/1/18th, 7/1/Cavalry, 7/1/Cavalry. 1845 hours, At 6:45PM, SFC Coder, 89th MP Group reported a message that Long Binh Post and Bien Hoa will be attacked tonight by the Viet Cong. Due to last nights lack of security, message originated from Long Binh Post Tactical Operations Center, 18th MP Brigade and Duc Tu Subsector. CPT Roger J. Gaydos, Battalion S2, Adjutant, notified. 1950 hours, At 7:50PM all companies were notified to move their vehicles out of the battalion area and disperse them in their company areas. 2030 hours, Perimeter Incident At 8:30PM, a truck drove up to the gate between perimeter towers #16 and #17 at the west side of the ammunition depot on Highway #15. The tower guards notified the Security Officer, 1LT Wactor and SGT Steinberg the Duty NCO. Flares were fired and the truck departed. At approximately 2115 hours [9:15PM] the truck returned to the same gate, the guard notified the patrol, the Security Officer and Duty NCO. The patrol ordered the truck to halt, the truck disregarded the command. The patrol fired three rounds, the truck was not struck. At 2120 hours, (9:20PM), the Security Officer arrived. Two MP jeeps arrived and took the truck to the Long Binh Post Provost Marshal Office. The shots were fired at the truck by PFC Harvey O. Shimko, US54818953, 212th MP Company. 89th MP Group notified, SGT Bryant stated that the incident was cleared up. The truck driver was attempting to make a delivery from Saigon and became lost. 2110 hours, Tay Ninh Convoy At 9:10PM the Tay Ninh Convoy returned to Long Binh Post. 89th MP Group notified. TAOR: 2125 hours, An Xuan Village Attacked At 9:25PM, three mortar rounds [later identified as 122mm rockets] landed in the South-west corner of An Xuan, reported by #81 (radio call sign), 2 villagers were killed and 8 wounded. MAJ Walton notified by SGT Carter, MAJ Villella also aware of the situation. 2240 hours, Update: Nine injured moved to a Saigon Hospital, one possibly dead, Coun Hoa. 2300 hours, Update: LT Holden, Duc Tu District Headquarters, Long Binh Post Phone #3907, called and wanted information on injuries and deaths and the type of weapon that caused the injuries. He requested information from a person who was actually on the scene. 2400 hours, Journal Closed. |
24 March |
0100 hours Journal Opened by SGT Foster. 0100 hours At 1:00AM, SP/4 Vancourt, 212th MP Company reported all personnel present and accounted for. 0115 hours At 1:15AM, SP/4 Thomas G. Lane, A Company reported all personnel present and accounted for. 0435 hours, At 4:35AM, Mississippi #3 [radio call sign], reported the Tay Ninh Convoy departed Long Binh Post with 113 vehicles. 89th MP Group notified. 0700 hours, At 7:00AM, SGT Lawrence B. Ewers, B Company, assumed the duties as the Battalion Staff Duty Noncommissioned Officer. 0901 hours, At 9:01AM, reminded all companies of Protestant Services. 1031 hours, At 10:31AM, reminded all companies of Catholic Services. 1210 hours, At 12:10PM, SGT Hefflinger, Assistant Operations NCO, 89th MP Group, reported that one POW and two MP guards had arrived at Ton San Nhut Air Base at 0905 hours [9:05AM], this date from the 16th MP Group, and were awaiting transportation to the III Corps POW Cage. Also, at 1150 hours, [11:50AM], on 26 March, twelve POWs and three MP Guards will arrive at Ton San Nhut Air Base on flight #852. The POWs are to be delivered to III Corps custody. SFC Ruggles, Battalion Operations, SP/4 John M. Davis, A Company, were notified. SP/4 Davis was notified to have a POW escort team pick up the POWs and deliver them to the 199th Light Infantry Brigade. 1515 hours, At 3:15PM, SGT Hefflinger, 89th MP Group notified this office that the MPs believed to be at Ton San Nhut Air Base had the flight schedule changed and would not arrive until 0905 hours [9:05AM], on 25 March. Notified 1SG Thomas M. Amii, A Company. 1600 hours, At 4:00PM, CPT Wilder, II Field Forces, Provost Marshal Office called this office concerning the transfer of POW Nguyen Van Vang from Lai Khe to G2 (Intelligence) at III Corps Head Quarters by air. Two MPs are required to report to II Field Forces Helipad Operations at 0730 hours [7:30AM], 25 March. They will fly to Lai Khe, pick up the POWs and fly to III Corps Helipad and release the POWs to G2 personnel at that location. The POWs will be waiting at Lai Khe Helipad. If the POWs are not there the MPs are to call Lai Khe #236. 1SG Thomas M. Amii, A Company, notified. 1655 hours, At 4:55PM, the following POW status report was forwarded to SFC Janss, 89th MP Group. 24th Evacuation Hospital, 6 POWs and 6 MP Guards. 50th Medical Company, 139 POWs and 15 MP Guards. 1658 hours, At 4:58PM CPT Wilson, 219th Military Intelligence called and advised that the MP guards assigned to the POW transport scheduled for 25 March to Lai Khe are to have the helicopter land at the tower pad to pick up the POWs. Notified SP/4 Duane C. Lindhorst, A Company. 1730 hours, At 5:30PM, SGT Paul Hanisch, A Company, contacted this office reporting that one Viet Cong Soldier, Nugyen Van Xen, 273rd VC Regiment, captured 19 February at XT988225 [map coordinates] by the 216th Infantry, 1st Infantry Division was admitted to the 24th Evacuation Hospital at 1650 hours [4:50PM]. The POW count was changed to 146. 1840 hours, At 6:40PM CPT Wilson, 219 Military Intelligence, requested this office contact the MPs at Lai Khe to have the POW at the tower pad because he was unable to contact Lai Khe. Notified SSG Joyce, Lai Khe Provost Marshal Office at 1915 hours, [7:15PM]. 2118 hours, At 9:18PM, SFC Richard L. DeHart, B Company, reported all elements of the Tay Ninh Convoy returned to Long Binh Post without incident. SDNCO SGT Jackson, 89th MP Group notified and verified. 2315 hours, At 11:15PM, SGT Jackson, Staff Duty NCO, 89th MP Group called with the following message. Message: Suspected Viet Cong [VC] attack. SGT Mease of the Capital Military District [Saigon]. The VC are allegedly going to launch a Vietnam wide attack at 0100 hours 25 March. Notified CPT Steven Vass [Operations], at 2318 hours [11:18PM], SP/4 Duane C. Lindhorst, A Company , SP/4 Scott, B Company at 2320 hours [11:20PM], SP/4 Daniel C. Shuck, C Company at 2325 hours [11:25PM], PFC Leonard F. Elvin, HHD at 2327 hours [11:27PM], and SP/4 Vancourt, 212th MP Company at 2440 hours [11:40PM]. 2400 hours, Journal Closed. |
25 March |
0100 hours Journal Opened by SGT Foster. 0045 hours, At 12:45AM, SGT Collins, NCOIC Hospital Guards reported to this office that two Viet Cong , 1-Le Van Tung Registration #2442, 2- Name unknown #2443, captured at XS777759 by A/2/3 Infantry were admitted to the 50th Medical Company Hospital at 2300 hours, [11:00PM], this date. SGT Jackson, 89th MP Group notified, POW count changed to 143. 0049 hours, At 12:49AM Mr. McCracken, Deputy Advisor, Duc Thu District contacted this office and said he had an intelligence report stating the Viet Cong would attack Bien Hoa Air Base with mortars at 0400 hours [4:00AM], 25 March. SGT Jackson, 89th MP Group notified. 0200 hours, At 2:00AM, SP/4 Vancourt, Charge of Quarters, 212th MP Company, reported all personnel were present and accounted for. 0438 hours, Mississippi 3 [radio call sign] reported that the Tay Ninh Convoy departed Long Binh Post with 121 vehicles. SGT Jackson, 89th MP Group notified. 0855 hours At 8:55AM, LT Kelly contacted CPT Silva, 89th MP Group and requested LOIs [Letters Of Instruction] for the senior officer escort and post reaction forces from his office. 1325 hours, At 1:25PM SGT Paul Hanisch, A Company, NCOIC of the Hospital Guard notified this office that an unidentified POW, Registration #2444 had been admitted to the 50th Medical Company. 1625 hours, At 4:25PM, SGT Harris, II Field Forces notified this office that at an unknown time on 26 March, fifty POWs will arrive at Bien Hoa Air Base from I Field Forces area, for shipment to the 50th Medical Company. The 58th Medical Group will provide three ambulance busses to transport the POWs from Bien Hoa Air Base. CPT Lang of the 58th Medical Group will notify the Battalion when the arrival time has been confirmed. POWs are all Medical patients, some are ambulatory and some are litter. 1SG Thomas M. Ammi, A Company notified and will provide two escort vehicles and two MPs for each bus. CPT Steven Vass, Operations notified. 1630 hours, At 4:430PM SSG Hudson, B Company, assumed the duties as the Battalion Staff Duty NCO. 1655 hours, At 4:55PM, the following POW count was forwarded to SFC Janss, 89th MP Group. 24th Evacuation Hospital, six POWs and six MP Guards. 50th Medical Company, 142 POWs and 27 MP Guards. 1705 hours, At 5:05PM, SP/5 Denkers, 89th MP Group notified this office there is one POW at Bear Cat to be moved to Central Military Intelligence Center, Saigon. The POW is unidentified and is scheduled to be moved 26 March. 1845 hours, At 6:45Pm Richard L. SFC DeHart, B Company, notified this office that the trail vehicle of the Tay Ninh Convoy had arrived at Long Binh Post without incident. 2120 hours, At 9:20PM, SP/4 William J. Kuper, B Company notified this office that the V100 that was scheduled to go on the Tay Ninh Convoy on 26 March would not be able to go due to a worn wheel bearing. CPT Steven Vass, Operations, notified. 2125 hours, At 9:25PM, CPT Steven Vass, Battalion Operations Officer notified this office that C Company would provide two armored gun jeeps for the Tay Ninh Convoy on 26 March. B Company will provide the machine guns and MPs for the jeeps. 2324 hours, At 11:24PM SP/4 Wilson A Company reported all personnel were present and accounted for. 2325 hours, At 11:25PM SP/4 Bennett HQ Detachment reported all personnel were present and accounted for. 2345 hours, At 11:45PM SP/4 William J. Kuper, B Company reported all personnel were present and accounted for. 2346 hours, At 11:46PM SP/4 Daniel D. Shuck, C Company reported all personnel were present and accounted for. 2400 hours Journal Closed. |
26 March |
0001 hours, At 12:01AM, Journal opened by SGT Foster. 0015 hours, At 12:15AM, SP/4 Vancourt, Charge of Quarters, 212th MP Company reported all personnel were present and accounted for. 0054 hours, At 12:54AM, SGT Hefflinger, 89th MP Group was notified that the Operation OVERTAKE convoy was ambushed by an unknown size enemy force approximately 200 meters south of the Philco Ford motor pool at grid coordinates XS935981. The convoy took fire for 15 to 20 seconds without returning fire. Two Equipment Incorporated vehicles were hit by small arms and automatic weapons fire. There were no casualties or injuries. SP/4 Kuper, B Company notified to pass along the information to the Tay Ninh Convoy escort. I was in Vietnam with the US Army from August 66 until February 68 when I ETS'd in country. My first employment as a civilian was with Equipment Incorporated at Thu Duc as a Security Specialist. Our job was to ride the convoys in International Pick Ups and attempt to detect and prevent diversions of cargo. I worked for Equipment Inc from around the end of February 1968 until they lost their contract with the US Army around November of that year. Philco Ford took over both contracts at that time. 0500 hours, At 5:00AM, Mississippi 3 [radio call sign] reported that the Tay Ninh Convoy departed Long Binh Post at 0455 hours [4:55AM], with 67 vehicles. SGT Hefflinger, 89th MP Group notified. 1030 hours, At 10:30AM, SP/4 Livingston, 58th Medical Group notified this office that the fifty POWs scheduled for delivery this date would not arrive until 27 March. The ETA [estimated time of arrival], is not known at this time. The 58th Medical Group will notify this office when ETA is established. 1SG Thomas M. Ammi, A Company notified and will dispatch escort. 1040 hours, At 10:40AM, SGT Harris, II Field Forces notified this office to move POWs, Ngo Van Ut, Nuyen Thi Nguyen (female), Ho Van Cum, and Vu Van Hoan, from Di An to the III Corps cage. 1115 hours, At 1:15AM, SP/4 Rucki, 50th Medical Company notified this office that the following POWs were ready for release and transfer to the III Corps cage. Vo Van Boi, Vo Van Hai, Nguyen Van Trong, Nguyen Van Than, Ngo Van Kien, Truong Van Hung, Nguyen Van Quyet, Nguyen Van Than and Tran Dinh Thi. SGT Harris, II Field Forces was notified and instructed this office to move the POWs. 1SG Thomas M. Amii, A Company, notified. Movement letter furnished to III Corps cage. 1520 hours, At 3:15PM, SSG Ewult, Ton Son Nhut Air Base notified this office that there were eleven POWs and three MPs at the 8th Aerial Port, to be transported to the III Corps cage. 1SG Thomas M. Amii, A Company, MSG Coder, 89th MP Group notified. 1545 hours, At 3:45PM, SP/5 Denkers, 89th MP Group notified this office to move two POWs from BearCat to the Central Military Intelligence Center, Saigon. The names of the POWs were not immediately available. 1SG Thomas M. Amii, A Company, MSG Coder, 89th MP Group notified. 1645 hours, At 4:45PM, Meanness 17 [radio call sign] notified this office that the Xuan Loc Convoy arrived at Long Binh Post. 1650 hours, At 4:50PM, the 25th Infantry Division Provost Marshal office notified this office that the Tay Ninh Convoy would be held at Tay Ninh Base Camp. 1700 hours, At 5:00PM, the POW count was sent to the 89th MP Group. 24th Evacuation Hospital, seven POWs, 50th Medical Company, 142 POWs. 1740 hours, At 5:40PM, Hawkwirp notified this office and stated that he was landing at Ton Son Nhut Air Base and had three passengers who needed transportation to Long Binh Post. C Company notified. 1742 hours, At 5:42PM, conducted a safe check at Battalion S3 Operations office. 2010 hours, At 8:10PM, CPT Steven Vass (Battalion Operations Officer) notified this office by land line to notify the Cu Chi Provost Marshal and inform his office that LTC Zane V. Kortum (Battalion Commander), would not be able to meet with him because of a flight cancellation. MP Desk, SGT Green notified. 2300 hours, At 1:00PM, SGT Collins, A Company, NCOIC Hospital Guards notified this office that a Viet Cong POW was admitted to the 50th Medical Company Hospital. The POW is identified as Nguyen Van Than Registration #2448, age 19, wounded in the left thigh. The capturing unit, F Company, Long Rang Patrol, 51st Airborne Infantry. SGT Duch, 89th MP Group notified. The POW count was changed to 150. 2330 hours, At 11:30PM this office contacted Tay Ninh but was unable to talk to the Post HQ Staff Duty NCO to advise same of the meeting cancellation by LTC Kortum. The message was taken by Tay Ninh operator SP/4 Atkins. Same stated the telephone line was not working to the base headquarters and he would deliver the message to the Staff Duty NCO. 2335 hours, At 11:35PM, SP/4 Scott B Company reported that all personnel were present and accounted for. 2336 hours, At 11:36PM, SP/4 Daniel D. Shuck C Company reported that all personnel were present and accounted for. 2351 hours, At 11:51PM, SP/4 Van Court 212th MP Company reported that all personnel were present and accounted for. 2353 hours, At 11:53PM, SP/4 Mallorin HQ Detachment reported that all personnel were present and accounted for. 2400 hours: Journal Closed. |
27 March |
TAOR: In the early morning just after the end of curfew,, Viet Cong ambushed and wounded two Vietnamese National Policemen and killed two children near the village school in An Xuan with hand grenades. Later in the morning B Company began construction of their Tactical Operations Command [TOC] bunker in the company compound on Long Binh Post. All B Company Tactical Area of Responsibility [TAOR] operations will be directed from the bunker once it is completed. |
0001 hours Journal Opened by SGT Foster. 0100 hours, A Company, at 1:00AM, SP/4 Wachekowski reported that all personnel were present and accounted for. 0320 hours, At 3:20AM, The following information was taken from a radio transmission to Overtake [contractor convoy MP escorts], on push 50.00 [radio frequency]. Highway 1A is declared Red as of 0300 hours [3:00AM], 27 March. Unidentified 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment elements in contact with enemy between Newport and Dong Nai Bridge. Suggest convoys be held. Notified, SGT Duch, 89th MP Group, Long Binh Post Provost Marshal Office, 48th Transportation Group, B Company, Tay Ninh Convoy on hold, and CPT Steven Vass Battalion Operations Officer. 0513 hours, At 5:13AM, The following information received via monitored radio transmission from Overtake. On Highway 1A, road security condition is now Green. 0520 hours, At 5:20AM, The Tay Ninh Convoy departed Long Binh Post with 83 vehicles. Long Binh Post Provost Marshal office, 48th Transportation Group, 89th MP Group, Mississippi 3 [radio call sign], notified. 0530 hours, At 5:30AM, B Company dispatched two V100 Commando Cars to escort the 89th MP Group Commander to Can Tho via Highway-4. A road reconnaissance will be completed during the escort. 0545 hours, At 5:45PM, SGT Billy Ball, A Company notified this office that the 11 POWs escorted to the 199th Light Infantry Brigade collection point at 2010 hours [8:10PM], on 26 March will be escorted from the point to the III Corps cage on 27 March. SFC Roger F. Ruggles, Battalion Operations notified. A Company will dispatch escorts to transport the POWs. 1000 hours, At 10:00AM, SGT Gerald Schumaker, A Company, notified this office that the 11 POWs at the 199th Light Infantry Brigade collection point had been delivered to the III Corps cage. MSG Coder, 89th MP Group notified. 1055 hours, At 10:55AM, MSG Coder, 89th MP Group notified this office that the 92nd MP Battalion would require one Armored Personnel Carrier [APC], at 1830 hours [6:30PM], this date because one of their APCs is deadlined. CPT Vass, Battalion Operations Officer, SGT Pradley, C Company, notified. C Company will dispatch one APC. 1125 hours, At 11:25AM, COL Parmentier, II Field Forces notified this office that there will be a meeting at III Corps Headquarters Tactical Operations Center Briefing Room at 1600 hours [4:00PM], this date regarding the defense of Long Binh Post, Bien Hoa area. The meeting will be conducted by the Deputy Senior Advisor, III Corps. It is requested a representative from the Battalion be present. CPT Steven Vass, Battalion Operations Officer notified. 1405 hours, At 2:05PM, SP/4 Rucki, 50th Medical Company notified this office that the 50 POWs expected this date would not arrive. There is a possibility that 20 will arrive on 28 March. 1500 hours, At 3:00PM, SGT Hefflinger, 89th MP Group notified this office that the 50 POWs expected this date would not arrive. There is a possibility that 20 will arrive on 28 March. 1SG Thomas M. Amii, A Company notified. 1540 hours, At 3:40PM, SGT Paul Hanisch, A Company, POW Hospital Guard NCOIC notified this office that POWs Tran Van Soai, Dong Van Be had been admitted to the 50th Medical Company. SGT Hanisch further stated that POW Nguyen Van Bo was pronounced dead by CPT [doctor] Fulper at 1400 hours [2:00PM]. Cause of death was gunshot wounds of abdomen and left leg. POW count changed to 152, CPT Salvea, 89th MP Group, SGT Hays, 18th MP Brigade notified. Serious Incident Report completed and forwarded. 1600 hours, At 4:00PM, SFC Richard L. DeHart, B Company, notified this office that the Tay Ninh Convoy [departed 26 March] returned to Long Binh Post. The convoy was held overnight at the Tay Ninh Base Camp due to enemy activity in the area. The convoy personnel were quartered in the Vietnamese Police Station, Tay Ninh. After getting up this date the B Company escort personnel policed the area inside and out. At 1000 hours, [1:00AM], upon arrival at the convoy marshaling area their vehicles were searched because a Vietnamese Police Lieutenant stated that two grenades, 2 poncho liners, one holster, one bayonet and one set of plastic glasses were missing from their police station. The search met with negative results. 1825 hours, At 6:25PM, SGT Schumaker, POW Escort Team notified this office that they had moved 7 POWs from the 50th Medical Company to III Corps cage. Two of the POWs were not moved due to their medical condition. POW count changed to 145. MSG Coder, 89th MP Group notified. 1900 hours, At 7:00PM,, Sheriff Control [radio call sign] notified this office that todays outbound Tay Ninh Convoy arrived at Tay Ninh Base Camp at 1730 hours [5:30PM], and would be remaining overnight at that location. CPT Steven Vass, Battalion Operations Officer and MSG Coder, 89th MP Group notified. 1930 hours, At 7:30PM, SGT Lawrence B. Ewers, B Company assumed the duties as Battalion Staff Duty NCO. 2010 hours, At 8:10PM, the following POW count was forwarded to SGT Coder, 89th MP Group Staff Duty NCO. 24th Evacuation Hospital six POWs and six MP Guards, 50th Medical Company, 139 POWs and twenty-one MP Guards. 2345 hours, At 11:43PM, SP/4 Scott B Company notified this office that all personnel were present and accounted for. 2400 hours: Journal Closed. |
28 March |
0001 hours, Journal opened by SGT Foster. 0015 hours, At 12:15AM, SP/4 Van Court reported all personnel were present and accounted for. 0030 hours, At 12:30AM, SP/4 Bailey A Company reported all personnel were present and accounted for. 0155 hours, At 1:55AM, SP/4 Robert C. Keil C Company reported all personnel were present and accounted for. 0158 hours, At 1:58AM, SP/4 Lynn M. Fletchall HQ Detachment reported all personnel were present and accounted for. 0445 hours, At 4:45AM, Mississippi 3 reported the Tay Ninh Convoy departed Long Binh Post with 176 vehicles. 89th MP Group notified. 0735 hours, At 7:35AM, SP/4 Livingston, 58th Medical Battalion notified this office that twenty-one POWs on litters, would arrive at Bien Hoa Air Base at 1000 hours [10:00AM], and would require MP escorts for transport to the 50th Medical Company. 1SG Thomas M. Amii, A Company notified and will dispatch escort teams. TAOR: 1000 hours, At 10:00AM, SGT Lonnie M. OBryan, B Company, River Patrol Unit, notified this office that he has in his custody one pistol, Smith & Wesson, cal 38, SN C690307, with 4 barrel. The weapon is the property of one of the Can Sats [Vietnamese National Police], wounded in the explosion in An Xuan on 27 March. DA19-31, completed and weapon released to Battalion Intelligence for eventual release to the CS authorities due to owner still being in the hospital. 1310 hours, At 1:10PM, SGT Paul Hanish, A Company, Hospital Guard NCOIC, notified this office that POWs Tran Quang Trung and Nguyen Van Ba had been admitted to the 50th Medical Company Hospital. POW count changed to 147. 1430 hours, At 2:30PM, SGT Harris, II Field Forces, notified this office to move POWs Bui Dinh Tho and Cao Van Chung from the 199th Light Infantry Brigade to the III Corps cage. 1SG Thomas M. Ammi, A Company notified. 1500 hours, At 3:00PM, The Xuan Loc Convoy arrived at Long Binh Post without incident. SFC Janss, 89th MP Group notified. 1614 hours, At 4:14PM, The Tay Ninh Convoy arrived at Long Binh Post. PFC Grant, 89th MP Group notified. 1700 hours, At 5:00PM, SGT Paul Hanish, A Company, Hospital Guard NCOIC notified this office that the 17 POWs had been admitted to the 50th Medical Company POW Hospital and that POW Ha Thi Son had been declared an innocent civilian by the 219th Military Intelligence Unit and he was moved to Ward #13. POW count changed to 162, SP/4 Parent, 89th MP Group notified. 0500 hours, At 5:00PM, SFC Cecil E. Terry, C Company, assumed the duties of Battalion Staff Duty NCO. 1805 hours, At 6:05PM, SGT Harrison, A Company, Hospital Guard NCOIC, reported that POW Le Van Hoa, registration #2456, age 14, was admitted to Ward #5, at 1400 hours [2:00PM], this date. Hoa was wounded in his shoulders and legs. CPT Steven Vass, Battalion Operations Officer notified. 1810 hours, At 6:10PM, Meanness 11 [radio call sign] notified this office that the POW he was assigned to pick up was canceled in Saigon for medical reasons. CPT Steven Vass, Battalion Operations Officer notified. 1900 hours, At 7:00PM, The pilot of aircraft C130 (tail #770), an Air Force Major stated that he had six Vietnamese on his aircraft, three of them were dying so he left all sixteen at Ton Son Nhut Air Field [Saigon] and they were taken to the Vietnamese Dispensary. The MAJ said there were no guards or MPs on the aircraft [see next log entree]. The aircraft arrived from Cam Ranh Bay. MSG Shunk, 716th MP Battalion notified and asked to supply guards at the Ton Son Nhut Dispensary to secure the individuals until they can be identified. 1930 hours, At 7:30PM, At 1815 hours [6:15PM], MSG Shunk, 716th MP Battalion notified this office that he had contacted the Air Police at Ton Son Nhut Air Base [TSNAB] to assist in this incident. At approximately 1840 hours [6:40PM], SSG Ewalt, TSNAB Air Police Security Division notified this office that they would not have an interpreter available until 2000 hours [8:00PM] and that his people did not speak Vietnamese and it wouldnt do any good to send them over. SGT Ewalt stated the 92nd MP Battalion might help and I provided the necessary telephone number. SGT Thomas 92nd MP Battalion was contacted and referred the call to CPT McGlothlin, who referred it to the Colonel (believed to be LTC Holeman). CPT McGloythlin stated the COL said the 18th MP Brigade would have to issue the instructions for him to send anyone over because they had no interpreter either. SFC Janss, 89th MP Group was contacted and he contacted the Headquarters Area Command [HAC] Provost Marshal, who at 1940 hours [7:40PM], stated they would send their desk interpreter in an attempt to locate the Vietnamese. Company A alerted to dispatch an escort team to Ton Son Nhut if necessary. Notified, LT Dorr, 18th MP Brigade Duty Officer, MAJ Walton, CPT Steven Vass Battalion Operations Officer. 1905 hours, POW Admission At 7:05PM, SGT Errol J. Reddick, A Company, Hospital Guard NCOIC notified this office that POW Nguyen Van De, registration #2475, age 37, rank Battalion Executive Officer, place of capture, XT 853128 [map coordinates], capturing unit 1st Infantry Division, date of capture 19 February 68, was admitted to the 50th Medical Company POW Hospital. New POW count 164. 2010 hours, At 8:10PM, SGT Gerald Schumaker, A Company POW Escort Team reported the POW transfer requests scheduled on 26 and 27 March were completed. They transported seven POWs, two from the 50th Medical Company POW Hospital, one from Bear Cat to the Central Military Intelligence Center, Saigon, and four from Di An to the III Corps cage, without incident. SFC Janss, 89th MP Group notified. 2030 hours, At 8:30PM, SFC Janss, 89th MP Group notified this office to prepare to dispatch 1 Armored Personnel Carrier [APC], to the 92nd MP Battalion because their APC was still not operational. SP/4 Fisher, C Company notified to prepare an APC. 2110 hours, At 9:10PM, SFC Janss, 89th MP Group notified this office to dispatch the requested Armored Personnel Carrier [APC] to the 92nd MP Battalion. SP/4 Daniel D. Shuck, C Company notified and will dispatch the APC. CPT Steven Vass, Battalion Operations notified. 2100 hours, At 9:00PM, SGT Lawson, B Company, notified this office that the Tay Ninh Convoy had arrived back at Long Binh Post. Mississippi #6 and #9 [radio call signs], remained in Tay Ninh to talk to C1 in regards to a traffic accident that did not involve any MP vehicles. SFC Janss, 89th MP Group notified. 2400 hours: Journal Closed. |
29 March |
0001 hours, At 12:01 AM Journal opened by SGT Foster. 0040 hours, At 12:40AM 212th MP Company SP/4 Van Court reported all personnel present and accounted for. 0438 hours, At 4:30AM, Mississippi 3 reported the Tay Ninh Convoy departed Long Binh Post with 131 vehicles. 89th MP Group notified. 1030 hours, At 10:30AM, SGT Paul Hanisch, A Company, POW Hospital Guard Detail NCOIC, notified this office that POW Dinh Van Hien was admitted to the 50th Medical Company POW Hospital at 0930 hours (9:30AM), this date. POW count changed to 166. 1505 hours, At 3:05PM, CPT Powers, 24th Evacuation Hospital, notified this office that POWs Nguyen Thi Bay, captured 11 November 67 by ARVN, and Tran Thi Thuy, captured 27 January 68 by D Company, 1/16th Infantry, 1st Infantry Division are ready to be moved from the hospital. 1625 hours, At 4:25PM, SGT John B. Racioppo, C Company, assumed the duties as Staff Duty Noncommissioned Officer [SDNCO]. 1655 hours, At 4:55PM, the following POW count was forwarded to the 89th MP Group, POWs 166. 1725 hours, At 5:25PM the Xuan Loc Convoy arrived on Long Binh Post. SP/4 Parent, 89th MP Group notified. 2026 hours, At 8:26PM the Tay Ninh Convoy returned to Long Binh Post. SGT Labra, 89th MP Group notified. 2035 hours, At 8:35PM, SP/4 Daniel D. Shuck, C Company, called and reported that the Armored Personnel Carrier [APC] requested by the 92nd MP Battalion [Pershing Field, Saigon] departed. 2150 hours, At 9:50PM, PFC William C. Rice, HQ Detachment, called and reported all personnel were present or accounted for. 2330 hours, At 11:30PM, SP/4 Daniel D. Shuck, C Company, called and reported all personnel were present or accounted for. 2330 hours, At 11:30PM, SP/4 Vancourt, 212th MP Company, called and reported all personnel were present or accounted for. 2400 hours, Relieved as SDNCO by SGT Foster, journal closed. |
30 March |
0001 hours, At 12:01AM Journal opened by SGT Foster. 0004 hours B Company At 12:04AM, SP/4 William J. Kuper, B Company reported all personnel present or accounted for. 0020 hours A Company At 12:20AM, SP/4 Ernest A. Brose, A Company reported all personnel present or accounted for. 0505 hours, At 5:05AM, Mississippi #3 reported the Tay Ninh Convoy departed Long Binh Post at 0455 hours with 89 vehicles. 89th MP Group notified. 0745 hours, At 7:45AM, SGT Harris, II Field Forces, notified this office to move POWs Nguyen Thi Bay, captured 11 November 67 by ARVN, and Tran Thi Thuy, captured 27 January 68 by D Company, 1/16th Infantry, 1st Infantry Division, from the 24th Evacuation Hospital to the III Corps facility. 1SG Thomas Amii, A Company, CPT Powers, 24 Evacuation Hospital, notified. 1030 hours, At 10:30AM, CPT Ribotto, 44th Medical Brigade was contacted and he stated only 17 POWs were sent due to a last minute change. MAJ LeRoy Walton, Battalion XO, CPT Steven Vass, Jr., Battalion S3, MAJ Fred J. Villella, 89th MP Group Operations, notified. In reference to journal entree 28 March 1968 at 1900 and 1930 hours, A total of six POWs, two U.S. captured, four ARVN captured, were being shipped to Ton Son Nhut and Bien Hoa Air Base for further transportation to the 50th Medical Company [Long Binh] and Ang Hoa Hospital [Saigon], respectively. The Air Force erred and released all six POWs to the ARVN at Ton Son Nhut who transported them to Cong Hoa. The 44th Medical brigade is having the two U.S. captured POWs transported to the 50th Medical Company by Dust-Off. There was an ARVN guard with the POWs on the aircraft. MACV J15 lays the POW movement on the 44th Medical Brigade and they should have scheduled an MP escort. MAJ LeRoy Walton, Battalion XO, MAJ Fred J. Villella, 89th MP Group Operations, notified. 1130 hours, At 11:30AM, SGT Raymond E. Fulton, C Company, assumed the duties as Staff Duty Noncommissioned Officer. 1430 hours, At 2:30PM, SGT Collins, A Company, Hospital Guard NCO, notified this office that POW, Bui Ho, registration #2481, had been admitted to the 50th Medical Company at 1230 hours [12:30PM]. POW count changed to 167. 1552 hours, At 3:52PM the Xuan Loc Convoy returned to Long Binh Post. 1705 hours, At 5:05PM the POW and Guard count was submitted to the 89th MP Group, POWs 167, MP Guards, 30. 1730 hours, At 5:30PM the Staff Duty Officer checked the mess hall, all OK. 1815 hours, At 6:15PM, SGT Hefflinger, 89th MP Group notified this office that he had been notified by the Central Military District, that an intelligence report with a B2 rating had been received reporting that the Viet Cong would attack Saigon on the night of 31 March 1968. SFC Roger F. Ruggles, Battalion Operations notified. 1930 hours, At 7:30PM, MAJ Wallace called from Phu Bai and requested that CPT Vass obtain a copy of the Standard Operating Procedure for convoy movements and a MAJ Flood will pick it up Monday or Tuesday. CPT Steven Vass, Jr. Battalion Operations, notified. 1935 hours, At 7:35PM, the Staff Duty Officer checked the Battalion theater, all OK. 2000 hours, At 8:00PM a security check of Battalion S2 Intelligence and S3 Operations was conducted, all secure. 2015 hours, At 8:15PM the Tay Ninh Convoy arrived at Long Binh Post. SGT Whitmier notified at 2020 hours [8:20PM]. 2130 hours, At 9:30PM a security check of Battalion S2 Intelligence and S3 Operations was conducted, all secure. 2240 hours, At 10:40PM, PFC Leonard F. Elvin, HQ Detachment Charge of Quarters, reported that all personnel were present and accounted for. 2300 hours, At 11:00PM a security check of Battalion S2 Intelligence and S3 Operations was conducted, all secure. 2340 Hours, At 11:40PM, SP/4 Stamp, B Company Charge of Quarters, reported that all personnel were present and accounted for. 2358 hours, At 11:58PM, SP/4 Daniel D. Shuck, C Company Charge of Quarters, reported that all personnel were present and accounted for. 2359 hours, At 11:59PM, SP/4 Miller, C Company Charge of Quarters, reported that all personnel were present and accounted for. 2400 hours, Journal Closed. |
31 March |
Stateside: President Johnson renounced any intention of running for another term. President Johnson's renunciation speech came as a complete surprise and shock to a nation still reeling from the unexpected events of the Tet Offensive in Vietnam. ....With America's sons in the fields far away, with America's future under challenge right here at home, with our hopes and the world's hopes for peace in the balance every day, l do not believe that I should devote an hour or a day of my time to any personal partisan causes or to any duties other than the awesome duties of this office - the Presidency of your country. Accordingly, l shall not seek, and I will not accept, the nomination of my party for another term as your President.... 0001 hours, 12:01AM Journal opened by SGT Foster. 0205 hours, At 2:05AM, SP/4 Van Court, 212th MP Company, reported all personnel present and accounted for. 0410 hours, At 4:10AM, SGT Whitmire, 89th MP Group reported intelligence received from a usually reliable source there is increased possibility of a Viet Cong attack by fire on Long Binh, Bien Hoa area. All outpost notified, no change in alert status. 0500 hours, At 5:00AM, Mississippi #3 reported the Tay Ninh Convoy departed Long Binh Post with 107 vehicles. SGT Whitmore, 89th MP Group notified. 0730 hours, At 7:30AM, SGT Williard L. Leeman, C Company, assumed the duties as Staff Duty Noncommissioned Officer (SDNCO). 0930 hours, At 9:30AM, LT McKay, Post Stockade reported that two prisoners escaped from the 720th MP Battalion Motor Pool work detail; Letsigner, James E., 78th Ordinance Detachment, 29th General Support, DOB 13 July 1946, Height 58, weight 165 pounds, receding hairline, blue eyes, black hair, light complexion, tattoo upper right arm Eagle - Jim. Manfreete, Paul J., 576th Ordinance Company, 3rd Ordinance Battalion, 1st Logistics Command. DOB 28 August 1948, height 6, weight 150 pounds, eyes brown, hair black, wears glasses, scars-appendix 6, back 7, corner of eye 1/2. 1SG Thomas M. Amii, A Company, SP/5 Rhody Otts, B Company, 1LT Eugene S. Edey, C Company, notified. 1145 hours, At 11:45AM, CPT Steven Vass, Jr. Battalion Operations notified this office that MAJ Fred J. Villella, Operations Officer, 89th MP Group notified him to remove the check-point from the intersection of Highway 317 & QL-15 [Gate #11]. The check point has been discontinued. C Company notified at 1150 hours [11:50AM]. 1150 hours, At 11:50AM, SGT Gerald Schumaker, A Company, NCOIC Hospital Guard detail, notified this office that an unidentified Viet Cong prisoner had died at the 50th Medical Company (clearing) at 1030 hours (10:30AM). The death was from a gunshot wound to the head. The POW was pronounced dead by Doctor (CPT) Glatleided. The POW was admitted to the 50th Medical Company at 0930 hours, 25 March 1968. SGT Hefflinger, Operations, 89th MP Group SGT Petrocelli, Operations 18th MP Brigade notified. POW count changed to 166. 1405 hours, At 2:05PM, SGT Harris, II Field Forces Provost Marshal Office, notified this office that four POWs are ready for pick up at Bearcat, 9th Infantry Division. Their names are; Nguyen Van Tan, Le Van Mam, Nguyen Van Dang and Nguyen Van Taip. 1SG Thomas M. Amii, A Company notified. 1430 hours, At 2:30PM, SGT Gerald Schumaker, A Company, NCOIC Hospital Guard detail, notified this office that POW Nguyen Van Hoa was admitted to the 50th Medical Company at 1215 hours [12:15PM]. POW count changed to 167. 1455 hours, At 2:55PM, SP/4 Tarent, S2, Intelligence, 18th MP Brigade, notified this office that there would not be a brigade briefing on 1 April. Battalion Adjutant notified. 1650 Hours, At 4:50PM, SGT Gerald Schumaker, A Company, NCOIC Hospital Guard detail, notified this office that POW Nguyen, Van, Sau was taken to the 50th Medical Company at 1616 hours [4:16PM]. POW count changed to 168. 1700 hours, At 5:00PM, the following POW & Guard Count was sent to SGT Hefflinger, Operations, 89th MP Group. 24th Evacuation Hospital, five POWs and six MP Guards. 50th Medical Company, 168 POWs and 15 MP Guards. 1707 hours, At 5:07PM, MAJ Fred J. Villella, 89th MP Group notified this office to be prepared to resume the check point at Highway 317 and QL-15 [Gate #11] on order. SP/4 Daniel D. Shuck, C Company notified. 1820 hours, At 6:20PM, received information from Sheriff Control [Long Binh Post Provost Marshal Office] that the Tay Ninh Convoy arrived at the Tay Ninh Base Camp at 1620 hours [4:20PM], and they will stay there overnight and return 1 April. SP/5 Denkers, 89th MP Group notified. 2025 hours, At 8:25PM, SGT John H. Wilkens, A Company, NCOIC Hospital Guard Detail, notified this office that POW Nguyen Van Le, a Viet Cong Captain, was admitted to the 50th Medical Company at 1930 hours [7:30PM], and Nguyen Van Be, was admitted at 1935 hours [7:35PM]. POW count changed to 170. 2100 hours, At 9:00PM, CPT Flannigan, 89th MP Group notified this office that perimeter bunkers #332 and #352 at Grid Coordinates [map location] GC XT 095090, received some small arms fire and one small explosion. The men in the bunkers saw two persons in black pajamas. Incident took place at the 3rd Ordnance Ammunition Storage Depot. 101st Airborne Division notified by 1LT Kelly. 2230 hours, At 10:30PM, SP/5 Denkers, SDNCO, 89th MP Group notified this office that Headquarters Area Command Provost Marshal Office [HAC-PMO], reported to the 89th MP Group at 2150 hours [9:50PM], that J-2 [intelligence section] Joint General Staff, a message that was translated by an interpreter at HAC PMO from statements of an enemy POW. Prior to the Tet Offensive the Viet Cong gave instructions to subordinate units and cadre to listen to NFTL Sun Radio at every 0400 hours [4:00AM], to receive orders of attack that will be transmitted in Morse [dots-dashes] Code. Once they heard the dots they understood that D Day [Tet Offensive] wound be the following day and the number of dots stood for the time of the attack. At 0400 hours [4:00AM], 30 January, the source turned into NFTL Sun Radio and heard three dots, therefore the source understood the general offensive would be launched at 0300 hours [3:00AM] on 31 January. J2/JGS estimates that if the enemy is still using the Morse Code, the third wave of the general offensive will be launched at 0300 hours [3:00AM], 31 March. CPT Steven Vass, Jr., Operations Officer, 1LT John L. Kelly, III, HQ Detachment, notified at 2235 hours [10:35PM], SP/4 Daniel D. Shuck, C Company notified at 2300 hours [11:00PM], PFC Carmen C. Rhoton, A Company notified at 2300 hours [11:00PM], SP/4 Cooper, B Company notified at 2315 hours [11:15PM], SP/4 Van Court, 212th MP Company, notified at 2342 hours [11:42PM]. 2245 hours, At 10:45PM SGT John H. Wilkens, A Company, NCOIC Hospital Guard Detail notified this office that the two Viet Cong POWs, [see entree 2025 hours this date] Nguyen Van Le, a Viet Cong Captain, and Nguyen Van Be, had been transferred to the 24th Evacuation Hospital, Pre-op ward. POW count remains 170. 2246 hours, LT Hein, MCC requested three gun jeeps to escort five vehicles from the 199th Light Infantry Brigade area to the west ramp at Bien Hoa Air base. Permission granted by the 89th MP Group. CPT Steven Vass, Jr. Battalion Operations, SP/5 Denker, SDNCO, 89th MP Group, SP/4 Cooper, B Company notified at 2255 [10:55PM]. 2359 hours, At 11:59PM, LT Hein MCC notified this office to cancel the escort request and to contact the Bien Hoa Provost Marshal Office. Bien Hoa PMO notified at 2400 hours [Midnight], B Company notified. 2400 hours, Journal Closed. |
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