~ 720th Military Police Battalion Reunion Association Vietnam History Project ~ |
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Vo Van Duc Long Binh Tan Village |
This Page Was Last Updated 18 February 2011 |
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Vo Van Duc worked in the local Popular Forces Platoon in the Village of Long Binh Tan, Vietnam. In 1968 under Operation STABILIZE Vo was assigned as a scout and interpreter to the 720th MP Battalion, Ambush Team #76. On 1 November 1968 CPL Thomas T. Watson, B Company, Squad Leader of Ambush Team #76 was instructed to transport Vo to the Popular Forces (PF) Headquarters in Bien Hoa. He was charged with armed robbery by his Platoon Sergeant from Outpost #4 in Long Binh Tan Village. The complaint accuses Duc of robbing two local prostitutes at gun point. Vo was placed in the custody of the Quan Can’s (Vietnamese Army MPs) at Bien Hoa. |
The Story Behind The Accusation Duc is one of the best PF’s I have ever had assigned to my ambush team, and that probably had something to do with the charges. Yes, he is somewhat of a cowboy, however, he is foremost very dedicated in his pursuit of local draft dodgers and Viet Cong agents. Duc denied it was an armed robbery, he did admit to me that he just refused to pay for services. He was armed with a personal sidearm (.45 cal pistol) at the time but said he didn’t point it at the prostitutes. The PF platoon sergeant in Long Binh Tan is using Duc to get back at me for a July 17th incident at the outpost where I was the NCOIC when one of his men was arrested and he was chastised by his commander for a complaint I filed relative to the willful destruction of U.S. government property through my Platoon Sergeant SFC Richard DeHart. And, most recently Duc arrested and turned in two draft dodgers that were living in Long Dinh Village nearby by Outpost #4. The platoon sergeant was taking payoffs to protect the two draft dodgers from the authorities. The Platoon Sergeant is also the pimp for the two prostitutes that Duc is charged with robbing. I know the charges have been blown out of proportion. My Platoon Leader 2LT Robert Chavis knows, and the American Advisor to the PF Headquarters in Bien Hoa also knows. SFC DeHart who had the connections has left for home, and there is no one left who I can call on to right this matter. |
On 3 November I lost the battle to have Duc returned to my squad. The PF sergeant from Outpost #4 put together a strong case against him. I sent a letter explaining the entire situation to the Battalion Commanding Officer in the hope that he might influence the outcome. The letter may have done some good. Instead of having to serve one year in prison, Duc has been assigned to the PF District Headquarters in Bien Hoa. It’s a waste of talent not to have him back with us. Journal Of CPL Thomas T. Watson, B Company, 720th MP Battalion, 89th MP Group, 18th MP Brigade, March 1968-March 1969. |
There was an incident one night when we were assigned to a night recon patrol of Long Hun Village. As we approached the village from the roadway I took note of the full moon above lighting us up. I pointed my M16 at the moon and mentioned that I would love to be able to shoot it out. Vo instantly reached for my rifle and shouted, "no you shoot you die, you shoot you die." He was very emotionally upset with me for what I did. I often wondered what he must have thought when he first heard of men landing on the moon in 1969. CPL Thomas T. Watson, B Company, 720th MP Battalion, 89th MP Group, 18th MP Brigade, March 1968-March 1969. CPL Watson - PVT Duc - SP/4 Paul Hrip on Long Binh Post in 1968 > |
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