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10 February Major General Karl W. Gustafson, Provost Marshal General, United States Army (PMG), and former commander of the 18th Military Police Brigade, returned to Vietnam and his old headquarters during a tour of military police units, to include the 615th MP Company.. |
I was a mechanic (wheeled vehicle, MOS 63B20) CPT Paul Mason was our CO and he insisted that the stars and markings on our 2 APCs were painted white. We tried to get them painted black, but he wanted to show them off. It cost us dearly. I scrounged the metal and built the gun shield around the .50 cal gun on top of one of the APCs. I also scrounged the air conditioning unit for our Day Room. (Stole it from a classroom in one of the trailers that made up a Junior College on Long Binh Post. If you were in an MP vehicle, had MP patches and carried a clip board you could get away with a lot. I took it right out of the building, during class time. SP/4 John M. Simon, 615th MP Company, 95th MP Battalion. |
3 May SP/4Thomas Michael Peavy, age 21, of San Diego, California died suddenly from an unspecified illness. 13 May SP/4 Olie S. Elliott was promoted to the rank of Sergeant (E-5), under 95th MP Battalion, Special Orders Number 126. |
June Members of the nigh shift started cracking down on unsecured vehicles on Long Binh Post. When vehicles were found unsecured, operational procedure dictated that they would be seized and brought to the Provost Marshal Office by the MP patrols. The unit commanders responsible for the vehicles would be notified and required to have someone come in to recover them. Naturally it was embarrassing for the unit commanders, and the drivers who left the vehicles unsecured were issued tickets. Everything was going fine, until..... CYA = Cover Your Ass SGT William H. “Bill” Novosad, 615th MP Company, 95th MP Battalion, 89th MP Group, 18th MP Brigade, July 1969 to September 1970. |
13 June SP/4 William H. Novosad is presented a Letter of Commendation from LTC Richard A. Fitzgerald, 95th MP Battalion Commanding Officer for outstanding performance while his driver from 7 December 1969 through 15 June 1970. 9 July SP/4’s Jerry M. Gross, Jacquess Girard, Dennis M. Callahan, William H. Novosad were appointed to the rank of Acting Sergeant, PVT’s Paul E. Nanney and Douglas D. Brown were promoted to Private First Class (E-3), under 615th MP Company, Unit Orders Number 76. 12 July Acting Sergeant (SP/4) William H. Novosad was promoted to the rank of Sergeant (E-5), under 95th MP Battalion, Special Orders 185. |
November WO Frank Lupin, 1SG Lewis, SSG Raymond Ragar, SP/4 Reid, and SP/5 Wayne Bennett, received awards for meritorious service. |
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