~ 720th Military Police Battalion Reunion Association Vietnam History Project ~ |
Photo G2849: Members of the 615th MP Company, 95th MP Battalion, 89th MP Group, 18th MP Brigade receive decorations for actions related to the Thu Duc Detachment, III Corps Tactical Zone, Bien Hoa Provence, Vietnam, sometime in 1968. 1-Unidentified, 2-Unidentified, 3-Unidentified, 4-SP/4 Raymond Glasscock-awarded ARCOM, 5-Unidentified, 6-CPT Fred Honerkamp, Commanding Officer, 7-Unidentified, 8-Unidentified, 9-Unidentified, 10-Unidentified, 11-Unidentified. The company mascot ”Andy The Bloodhound” and his companion Lady were also present. for the ceremony. If you can provide names, a date, or the circumstances of the incident resulting in the awards use this Email Link. Courtesy of SP/4 Ted Emory, 615th MP Company 720th & 95th MP Battalion’s, 89th MP Group, 18th MP Brigade, Vietnam, December 1967-September 1968. |
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